Page 111 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 111


          GRI Standard        Disclosure                   Page number or reference         Omission   External
           GRI 101: Foundation 2016
          Employee Health and Safety

                        103-1 Explanation of the   5. Health and Safety Management (p. 60),
                        Material Topic and its   5.1. Maintaining the safety of  equipment (p. 63),
                        Boundary                5.2. Cargo Terminal Security (p. 64),
                                                5.3. Ensuring health and safety at work (p. 65)
           GRI 103:     103-2 The Management    1.8. The Goldair Handling Bulgaria Ltd. subsidiary
           Management   Approach and its        § Ensuring health and safety at work (p. 25),
           Approach     components              5. Health and Safety Management § Safety Policy (p. 62),
           2017                                 5.1. Maintaining the safety of  equipment (p. 63),   -
                                                5.2. Cargo Terminal Security (p. 64),
                                                5.3. Ensuring health and safety at work (p. 65),
                                                5.4. Promoting a culture of Health and Safety (p. 68)

                        103-3 Evaluation of the   5. Health and Safety Management § Health and Safety
                        Management Approach     Investments (p. 62), Investments in the safety of Cargo
                                                Terminal facilities (p. 64), Other Actions (p. 70)

           GRI 403      403-2 Hazard identification,   5.4. Monitoring of Health and Safety Indicators (p. 70)
           Health and   risk assessment and     For the calculation of lost days, counting begins from
           Safety at    incident investigation  the day after the accident.                    -

           Passenger Health and Safety
                        103-1 Explanation of the   1.4. Vision, Mission and Values (p. 16), 1.5. Business
                        Material Topic and its   model and strategic priorities (p. 16), 1.6. Membership
                        Boundary                in bodies and organizations (p. 18), 2. Quality of services
           GRI 103:                             and responsibility in operations (p. 26)
           Management   103-2 The Management    2.2. Assurance of Quality of Service (p. 30),
           Approach     Approach and its        2.3. Mutually beneficial relations with customers (p. 32),   -  -
                        components              3.1. Sustainable Development Policy and Axes (p. 38)

                        103-3 Evaluation of the   2. Quality of services and responsibility in operations
                        Management Approach     (p. 26), 3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
                                                Communication with the stakeholders (p. 43)

                        416-2 Incidents of non   There was no occurrence of non-compliance with
           GRI 416:     compliance concerning the   regulations or voluntary codes related to passenger
           Customer     health and safety impacts of   health and safety during the reporting period.
           Health and   products and services                                                  -         -

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