Page 110 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 110
GRI Standard Disclosure Page number or reference Omission External
GRI 101: Foundation 2016
103-1 Explanation of the 7. Environmental responsibility (p. 86)
Material Topic and its
GRI 103: 103-2 The management 3.1. Sustainable Development Policy and Axes (p. 38), -
Management approach and its components 7.1. Environmental policy and environmental incident
Approach management process (p. 88)
103-3 Evaluation of the 3.4. Goldair Handling’s stakeholders (p. 42) §
Management Approach Communication with the stakeholders (p. 43),
7.4. Environmental training and investment (p. 90)
GRI 306: 306-2 Waste by type 7.5. Environmental performance
Effluents and disposal method § Waste management (p. 91)
and Waste -
Economic Performance
103-1 Explanation of the 4. Financial results and corporate governance (p. 52)
Material Topic and its
GRI 103: Boundary
Management - -
Approach 103-2 The management 3.4. Creating added value for the stakeholders (p. 47),
2017 approach and its components 4.1. Financial analysis (p. 54)
103-3 Evaluation of the 3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
Management Approach Communication with stakeholders (p. 43)
201-1 Direct economic value 1.8. The Goldair Handling Bulgaria Ltd. subsidiary
generated and distributed § Key Financial milestones of Goldair Handling
GRI 201: Bulgaria (p. 21), Creating added value for the - -
Economic Stakeholders (p. 47), 4.1. Financial Analysis (p. 54)