Page 113 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 113

                GRI Standard      Disclosure                Page number or reference       Omission   External
                GRI 101: Foundation 2016
                GRI 102: General Disclosures 2017 (“core” option)
                Customer and passenger privacy
                            103-1 Explanation of the   2.3. Mutually beneficial relations
                            Material Topic and its   with customers (p. 32)

                            103-2 The Management   Customer privacy (p. 33)                    -         -
                GRI 103:
                            Approach and its
                            103-3 Evaluation of the   3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42)
                            Management Approach   § Communication with the stakeholders (p. 43),
                                                  Customer privacy (p. 33)

                            418-1 Substantiated   During 2017, Goldair Handling did not receive any
                GRI 418:    complaints concerning   complaints or reports related to the violation of
                Customer    breaches of costumer   the privacy of its customers or the violation of the
                privacy     privacy and losses of   privacy of its customers' passengers.      -         -
                            customer data

                Transparency and Anti-Corruption
                            103-1 Explanation of the   3.1. Sustainable Development Policy
                            Material Topic and its   and Axes (p. 38), 4. Financial results
                            Boundary              and corporate governance (p. 52)
                GRI 103:    103-2 The Management   3.3. Goldair Handling's contribution to the Global Goals
                Management   Approach and its     for Sustainable Development (p. 41), 4.4. Transparency
                Approach    components            and Conflict of Interests § Transparency Policy (p. 59)  -  -
                2017        103-3 Evaluation of the   3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42)
                            Management Approach   § Communication with the stakeholders
                                                  (p. 43), 4.4. Transparency and Conflicts of Interest
                                                  § Transparency Policy (p. 59)
                GRI 205: Anti-  205-3 Confirmed   During the reference year, no cases of corruption
                corruption  incidents of corruption   were recorded/reported.                 -          -
                            and actions taken

                Business Continuity - BCM
                            103-1 Explanation of the   4.2. Corporate Governance § Organizational
                            Material Topic and its   Structure (p. 54), 4.3. Risk Management (p. 58)
                GRI 103:
                Management   103-2 The Management   4.2. Corporate Governance § Organizational Structure   -  -
                Approach    Approach and its      (p. 54), 4.3. Risk Management (p. 58)
                2017        components
                            103-3 Evaluation of the   3.4. Goldair Handling's Stakeholders (p. 42)
                            Management Approach   § Communication with stakeholders (p. 43),
                                                  4.3. Risk Management (p. 58)
                            Goldair Handling Indicator:   3.6. Targeting (p. 51) The Company has set itself
                            Business Continuity   the goal of creating an integrated risk management   -  -
                                                  and business continuity system by 2020.

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