Page 107 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 107
GRI Disclosure Page number or reference Omission External
Standard assurance
GRI 101: Foundation 2016
GRI 102: General Disclosures 2017 (“core” option)
Organization profile
102-10 Significant About the Report (p. 102)
changes to the
organization and There were no significant changes in the size, structure, ownership -
its supply chain or supply chain of the organization during the reporting period.
102-11 Precautionary 2.1. Approved Regulated Agent Certification (p. 30),
principle or 2.2. Assurance of Quality of Service (p. 30),
approach 2.4. Responsible Communication (p. 33),
3.2. Organizational Structure for Sustainable Development (p. 39),
3.3. Goldair Handling’s contribution to the UN Global Goals for
Sustainable Development (p. 41), 4.2. Corporate Governance
(p. 54), 4.3. Risk Management (p. 58), 4.4. Transparency and -
Conflicts of Interest (p. 59), 5. Health and Safety Management
(p. 62), 5.1. Maintaining the Safety of Equipment (p. 63),
5.2. Cargo Terminal Security (p. 64), 5.4. Promoting a culture of
Health and Safety (p. 68), 5.6. Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
(p. 71), 7.1. Environmental policy and environmental incident
management process (p. 88), 7.2. Quality and Environment
Committee (p. 89), 7.4. Environmental training and investment (p. 90)
102-12 External initiatives 1.6. Membership in bodies and organizations § (p. 18) -
UN Global Compact, UN Sustainable Development Goals
102-13 Membership of 1.6. Membership in bodies and organizations § (p. 18) -
102-14 Statement Message from the CEO (p. 6) -
from senior
decision - maker
Ethics and integrity
102-16 Values, 1.4. Vision, mission and values (p. 16)
principles, 2.2. Quality policy (p. 30), 2.4. Marketing and communications
standards Policy (p. 34), 2.5. Procurement Regulations (p. 34), 3.1. Sustainable -
and norms of Development Policy (p. 38), 4.4. Transparency policy (p. 59), 5.3. Safety
behaviour Policy (p. 65), 6.5. Employee Complaints Policy (p. 84), 6.6. Internal
Workplace Regulations (p. 85) 7.1. Environmental Policy (p. 88)
102-18 Governance 4.2. Corporate Governance (p. 54) -