Page 106 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 106


                GRI        Disclosure                 Page number or reference            Omission    External
                Standard                                                                             assurance
                GRI 101: Foundation 2016
                GRI 102: General Disclosures 2017 (“core” option)
                Organization profile

                102-1   Name of the      Goldair Handling, full-name  and in English
                        organization     “Goldair Aviation Handling S.A. (Société Anonyme)”
                                         1.1. The Goldair Handling Company (p. 12)           -

                102-2   Activities, brands,   1.1. The Company at a Glance (p. 10),
                        products and     1.2. The Goldair Handling Company (p. 12), 1.5. Business   -
                        services         Model and Strategic Priorities (p. 16), 1.8. The Goldair Handling
                                         Bulgaria Ltd. subsidiary (p. 21) 2.1. Our services (p. 28)

                102-3   Location of the   Athens International Airport, Building 24,
                        headquarters     1st floor, 19019, Spata                             -

                102-4   Location of      1.1. The Company at a Glance (p. 10), 1.2. The Goldair Handling
                        operations       Company (p. 12), 1.3. Company History (p. 14),      -
                                         1.8. The Goldair Handling Bulgaria Ltd. subsidiary (p. 21)

                102-5   Ownership status   1.2. The Goldair Handling Company (p. 12),        -
                        and legal form   1.3. Company History (p. 14)
                102-6   Markets served   1.1. The Company at a Glance (p. 10), 1.2. The Goldair Handling
                                         Company (p. 12), 1.5. Business Model and Strategic Priorities
                                         (p. 16), 1.8. The Goldair Handling Bulgaria Ltd. subsidiary   -
                                         (p. 21), 2.1. Our services (p. 28)

                102-7   Scale of the     1.1. The Company at a Glance (p. 10),               -
                        organization     1.2. The Goldair Handling Company (p. 12),
                                         1.5. Business model and strategic priorities (p. 16)

                102-8   Information on   1.8. The Goldair Handling Bulgaria Ltd. subsidiary
                        employees and    § Investing in our people (p. 22),
                        other workers    6.1. The human resources of Goldair Handling (p. 74)  -

                                         The amount of the organization’s work that is executed by
                                         subcontractors is very small and concerns security and
                                         cleaning services. The Company monitors and records the
                                         relevant data.

                102-9   Supply chain     2.5. Trust relationships with suppliers (p. 34)

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