Page 104 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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               REPORT PROFILE                                    Handling’s overall operations in Greece, while it includes
               This publication is the second Report by Goldair Handling, as   summarised data related to the operations of its subsidiary
               well as the first one to be drawn up in accordance with the GRI   in Bulgaria (Goldair Handling Bulgaria). Wherever there are
               Standards of the international organization Global Reporting   revisions, specific reference is made to the individual sections,
               Initiative (GRI) at the Core level.               tables, or diagrams, and the reasons for revision are specified
                                                                 at the respective points in the text.
               The terms “Company” and “Goldair Handling”  refer to “Goldair
               Ground Services Société Anonyme,” with the distinctive title Goldair   PROJECT TEAM
               Handling S.A. and the English name Goldair Aviation Handling S.A.  In order to cover the breadth of issues related to Sustainable
                                                                 Development issues, the Company has put together a
               The Report covers the period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017, and   “Sustainable Development Team”. Its members come from
               through its publication the company seeks to provide   all departments of the Company, and their main task is to
               comprehensive information for its stakeholders on how it   collect and record all necessary data and information relevant
               is operating and developing in today’s environment and how   to the Company’s performance with regard  to the pillars  of
               it meets economic, environmental, and social challenges.   Sustainable Development and to make proposals for relevant
               Moreover, the report includes the policies, strategy,   actions. Goldair Handling’s Sustainable Development Team
               procedures, standing administrative practices, actions,   participated in the creation of the 2017 Corporate Social
               targeting as well as the results achieved by the Company with   Responsibility and Sustainable Development Report under the
               regard to the Sustainable Development pillars.    coordination of the Quality and Environment Department, on
                                                                 the basis of strategic planning by the Company’s Committee
               Goldair Handling’s Report on Corporate Social Responsibility   on Sustainable Development.
               and Sustainable Development is available through the
               Company’s official web page (    METHODOLOGY
                                                                 Goldair Handling’s 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility
               SCOPE AND LIMITS                                  and  Sustainable  Development  Report  has  been  drawn  up
               The Report covers a wide range of issues relating to the   in  accordance  with the  2016  standards of  the International
               Company’s economic, environmental, and social performance,   Organization “Global Reporting Initiative” (GRI Standards),
               without any restrictions in terms of the scope of the Report.   and the content has been decided upon based on the
               The information referred to in this Report pertains to Goldair   following principles:

                                                                 Principle of
                                      Principle                 “Stakeholder
                                   of “Materiality”

                                                   of the                   Principle of
                                                “Sustainability           “Completeness”

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