Page 14 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Certified services provider for the airports of Athens and Thessaloniki
1.2. The Goldair Handling Company
Goldair Handling (full corporate name: ‘Goldair Aviation 2017 MILESTONES
Handling S.A.’), was founded in 1992 and was the first private
ground handling company to operate in the Greek market. In 2017 Goldair Handling celebrated 25 successful years in the
It is a member of the Goldair Group, which was founded by Greek market. The Company is constantly developing the firm
Dimitrios Golemis in 1955 and consolidated through many foundations of its vision and values, the high-quality services
years of ongoing development. it provides, and its experienced and capable personnel. In 2017
As a Group, it entered the markets of Central and Eastern the Company achieved positive growth rates, expanding its
European countries, and later expanded, through an turnover. In tandem, it invested extensively in equipment to
unprecedented move on the part of its founder, to exclusively better serve its airline company clients. Over the course of the
represent airline companies in Greece, having foreseen the year, Goldair Handling effectively served over 145,000 flights,
important role of air transport on a global level. significantly increasing the number of jobs it provides in Athens
Goldair Handling launched its activities in Greece in 1999 and and at regional airports.
in 2008 turned its attention to markets abroad, participating
in the Louis Goldair Services (LGS) joint venture and, in
2010, founding its subsidiary Goldair Handling Bulgaria and
launching its activities in Bulgaria.