Page 70 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 70
5.4. Promotion of a Health and Safety culture
Goldair Handling unfailingly ensures the promotion of not only health itself and the safe working conditions of its
employees in all its facilities and spectrum of operations, but also promotion of a safety culture and the exchange
of advice and opinions.
In this context, the Company provides ongoing training to The Health and Safety department of Goldair Handling, in the
all employees, in all positions, to keep them up to date and context of Safety Awareness and Safety Promotion, organises
highly trained in handling any difficulty and resolving any an F.O.D. campaign twice per year in Athens (collection
problem that may arise. of waste from the airport ramp) and also takes part in the
similar campaign organised by the Athens International
All employees receive specialisation and job-specific Airport once per month. The campaign is accompanied by a
training in the safe use of equipment and personal protective briefing to employees about the immediate identification and
equipment before they take up their duties. proper collection of foreign objects (such as pieces of plastic,
wood, etc.), which may be found on the airplane runways.
Moreover, the Health and Safety department of the Company Throughout the duration of the campaign, any objects found
regularly issues Safety Bulletins and Ground Safety Alerts, on the airport ramp are collected in special packaging.
informing employees about the safety measures that must
be observed, with the incidents / accidents that occurred, and Moreover, campaigns are organised at the Company in
a description of the safety procedures. Five Safety Bulletins, relation to:
eight Ground Safety Alerts, three Safety Notices and two
Safety News were issued in 2017. Equipment inspection with regard to preventing damage
to aircraft.
More specifically:
Not giving priority to aircraft.
Safety Bulletins are issued on a regular basis, as a reminder
of a procedure or to update personnel on new procedures. External inspection of aircraft upon arrival and before take-
off, for any damages.
Ground Safety Alerts are issued after incidents, in order to
keep the entire personnel informed in all the airports where In the context of the systematic training of the employees, an
the Company operates, disclosing the causes of the incident airplane simulator has been installed at the Athens station,
and reminding the correct incident management procedure. used for the training on the operation of lifting equipment and
of the ramp workers, in the proper placement of the supplies
Safety Notices are issued when employees must be in the aircraft.
informed about any new safety-related investments (e.g. in
Goldair Handling has established specific Safety Performance
Safety News is communicated to all of the Company’s Indicators (SPIs) with the purpose of recording and effectively
personnel and refers to statistical analyses, accidents or monitoring safety incidents, in order to act preventively to the
incidents that took place abroad, actions or participations of benefit of the workers and to eliminate any incidents. It records
the Safety Department in events and finally, subjects that and monitors on a monthly basis any incidents and accidents
reinforce the safety and incident reporting culture. which may occur in all the facilities where it provides its
services, throughout the spectrum of its operations.