Page 73 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 73
5.5. Participation in Health and Safety
conferences and events
Goldair Handling takes part in conferences and events An event organised by GEP, during the National Customer
on Health and Safety, presenting the particularities of the Service Week, in which the Company’s Health and Safety
airport and ground handling services facilities. With these Director participated as a speaker.
participations, the Company, represented by its Health and
Safety Director, promotes its actions in this area, while also The 6th consecutive “Ground Damage Stakeholders
staying up-to-date regarding the developments in its industry. Conference”, in which the Company’s Health and Safety
More specifically, in 2017 the Company took part in the Manager participated yet again.
following conferences:
It should be noted that the Company’s Health and Safety Director
Aviation Safety Day organised by the Athens International participates in the IATA Airside Safety Group as an active member,
Airport, which included awards to 14 employees of Goldair in order to exchange know-how and study the developments of
Handling. the industry with the aim of taking strategic decisions related to
Health and Safety in the aviation industry on a global level.
5.6. Emergency Response Plan-ERP
Goldair Handling’s Emergency Response Plan is based on
Prevention Preparation/ international (IATA,ICAO) and national (HCAA, AIA, Fraport)
Continuous regulations and standards and includes a series of procedures
that must be followed immediately by our stations’ ground
staff, in case of an incident or accident involving aircraft on
ground or en route or any other emergency incident (fire,
EMERGENCY extreme weather phenomena, bomb threat, etc.). Through the
RESPONSE ERP implementation, the Company aims at coordinating all
actions mentioned in the manual, on behalf of our customers/
PLAN airlines. All employees in a position of responsibility in all
airports are trained in emergency response plan issues and
procedures , so as to be able to handle any case in the most
Restitution of effective manner. Finally, Goldair Handling, in collaboration
Operations with the airline companies and other airport organisations,
Confrontation participates in emergency exercises and drills on an annual