Page 76 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 76


               The Company’s goal is to build channels of open communication and substantial relationships with its people,
               always driven by the following principles which our people believe are crucial to our functioning properly:

                      Immediacy /             Consistency:            Team spirit:             Respect:
                       Adaptation:           I am consistent          I am a living            I respect
                    I react immediately       in my actions            cell of the             everyone’s
                     and effectively to         and my                   team                 opinion and
                       challenges             commitments                                        work

               At Goldair Handling, the work environment reflects the   communication, mutual respect and team spirit. Only
               adoption of a business culture of equal opportunities for   through the growth of our people can we also evolve.
               growth, continuous education and training, open and honest

               6.1. The human resources of Goldair Handling

               On 31/12/2017, the Company employed 2,144 employees   with, 1,899 of them permanent and 1,574 seasonal. All of our
               at  Athens  and  Greece’s  regional  airports.  Taking  into   people receive remuneration at least equal to the minimum
               consideration the seasonality of the services Goldair Handling   wages set out by either the National General Collective
               offers – which are directly related to tourism – a total of 3,473   Agreement or the Company-level Collective Agreement.
               persons were employed by the Company throughout the year,

                                                      HUMAN RESOURCES DATA

               Total Staff on
                                                            1,798           1,255          1,656  1,898    1,575
                   BY GENDER   747                       BY GENDER     1,065            BY REGION    1,207

                        Men   Women                            Men      Women                Attica    Rest of

                                                                  2016      2017                 2016      2017

   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81