Page 78 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 78


                                 NEW HIRES

                                 With the main operation of Goldair Handling being directly linked to the airlines and the number of
                                 flights and passengers it serves, the number of its employees is characterised by seasonality, mainly
                                 during the summer months when tourism is at its peak. In this context, the Company creates new
                                 jobs  on  an  annual  basis,  both  in  Athens  and  at  the  regional  airports,  as  the  need  emerges  due  to
                                 seasonality. In 2017 there were 1,943 new jobs created in all areas of Goldair Handling’s operations.

                                            NEW HIRES BY GENDER AND AGE

                        2016          523                             2017  370      692  391
                           224   194       322                                 260             169
                                                       65                                            61
                              <30       30-50      51+                      <30       30-50       51+
                                       Men       Women                               Men       Women

                                             NEW HIRES BY AGE AND REGION

                        2016     233  322  523                        2017     361   410
                           185                        150                 269
                                                 29                                             59   171
                              <30       30-50      51+                       <30       30-50      51+

                                   Attica      Rest of Greece                     Attica      Rest of Greece

               As regards hires from the local community, Goldair Handling   Through its partnerships with Greek educational institutions
               makes sure to fill all positions, including positions of   and schools, Goldair Handling seeks to attract talented young
               responsibility (station managers) at its regional stations, with   people to do their internships with the Company. It thus gives
               employees residing locally, thus supporting the local labour   them the opportunity to become an active part of a real work
               market and economy. Of the total 1,943 recruitments during   environment, develop their skills and competences, and
               2017,  1,205  (62%)  were  at  the  regional  airports  where  the   acquire valuable knowledge and experience. In 2017, a total of
               Company operates, and 738 (38%) were in the region of Attica,   75 people were employed as interns.
               the registered seat of Goldair Handling. Additionally, at 17 of
               the 25 regional stations where Goldair Handling operates, the
               station managers come mainly from the local community.

   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83