Page 80 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 80
6.2. Training
Goldair Handling believes in training and developing its people of the appropriate behaviours, which contribute to forming a
with the aim of enhancing their professional competences strong corporate culture and improve performance.
and personal skills, and enabling them to successfully meet In implementation of the provisions of Article 22 of the Main
all types of challenges at their workplace. Another key priority Ground Handling Regulation which relates to the training of the
for the Company is the continuous improvement of the skills ground handling operators’ personnel, and in full compliance
and competences of the employees, by implementing the with international standards, employees – depending on their
principles of life-long learning. type of work and specialisation, and before being assigned
Yet, beyond the technical aspects of training, the ultimate goal operational duties – attend an initial training programme that
of continuous education is personal development and adoption includes the following topics, among others:
Passenger service: Among other things, this topic sets out the practical ways in which high-quality and
consistent client/passenger service is implemented.
Emergency response: The purpose of this topic is to train the personnel in the procedures relating to
preparation for the prompt and effective response to emergencies and the methods used in their management.
Knowledge of hazardous materials/cargo and freight. This topic refers to the procedures followed for safe
air transport of hazardous materials.
Familiarisation with the use of equipment: This concerns the use of all types of ground and non-ground
services equipment, and the software interfaces used to serve flights.
Environmental awareness: The purpose of this topic is to inform about the impact of human activities on
the environment and to contribute towards raising awareness.
First aid seminar: This topic focuses on dealing with common injuries and dysfunctions of the human body.
Awareness raising on disability and equality: The aim of this topic is to help personnel understand the
problems disabled persons face on a daily basis.
In addition to initial training and in accordance with the above requirements, employees attend recurrent training, when and where
necessary, at least once every two years.
2016 2017
4.0% 9.5% Emergency Response Plan (ERP) 5.9% 9.9%
4.1% Passenger service
14.6% 19.5% 4.9%
5.7% First-aid workshop
Environmental awareness
Familiarisation with use of equipment 6.4%
Knowledge of hazardous materials/goods (DGR)
Awareness-raising and training with
36.9% 25.2% regard to special needs and equality issues 25.0% 28.5%