Page 79 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 79



                                 As regards departures, of the total 1,438 departures during 2017, 962 (67%) concerned the expiry of
                                 contracts at the regional stations due to the seasonality in airport traffic, and 476 contract expiries (33%)
                                 concerned the region of Attica.

                                           DEPARTURES BY GENDER AND AGE

                                      547                                           482

                                            324                                          308
                        2016  193  160           132                  2017  272

                                                       71                      185             126   65
                              <30       30-50       51+                     <30       30-50      51+
                                   Men      Women                                 Men      Women

                                            DEPARTURES BY AGE AND REGION

                                            527                                           533
                        2016          344                             2017     283
                                 199                  164                 174        257             146
                            154                  39                                             45
                              <30       30-50       51+                     <30       30-50       51+
                                    Attica      Rest of Greece                   Attica      Rest of Greece

                                 MATERNITY LEAVE
                                 Goldair Handling views the support of parenthood as a main priority, in full compliance with the laws
                                 in force, thus contributing towards improving the work-life balance. In 2017, 36 female employees
                                 received maternity leave and 35 (97%) of them returned to work after the end of the leave, whereas 34
                                 (94%) continue to work at the Company even 12 months after they gave birth.

   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84