Page 98 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 98


               Within  the  framework of Corporate Social  Responsibility,   The company also supports educational initiatives such as the
               Goldair  Handling  has  made  it  a  priority  to  support  socially   robotics group of the 19th Junior High School of Thessaloniki,
               vulnerable  groups  in  all  the  regions  in  which  it  operates.   the “19Robogators”. The initiative included supporting the
               Through targeted efforts, it implements actions for the   group  in  its  participation  in  the  First  Lego  League  OEC  2017
               protection of the environment, through beach cleaning and   competition held in Aarhus, Denmark, in which 118 top robotics
               recycling programmes, and sponsorships in support of non-  teams from around the world participated. The Thessaloniki
               profit and other organisations. Through the Green Team   team placed 13th in the competition and is thus among the
               campaign, it encourages all employees to take an active part   world’s 15 leading robotics teams.
               and to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle in their work   The integrated framework of the Company’s social contribution is
               spaces.                                           broken down into three separate pillars, as follows:

                               Support of vulnerable        Employee               Environmental
                                  social groups            volunteerism               actions

               8.1. Support of vulnerable social groups

               Goldair Handling ensures that vulnerable social groups are supported by contributing practically to charities and
               non-profit organisations (NPOs). Through targeted actions implemented by the Company in this regard, employees
               are provided with the opportunity to participate in a variety of social activities as active citizens. More specifically,
               listed below are the actions implemented by the Company:

                            HELLENIC RED CROSS The company ensured the     I COLLECT BOTTLE TOPS, I MAKE A CHILD SMILE
                            purchase of a wheelchair and received a thank-you   Workers at all airports where the Company operates
                            letter for its contribution from the Peristeri Regional   collected approximately 100 kg of bottle tops, thereby
                            Office of the Hellenic Red Cross. At the same time, all   contributing to the purchase of a wheelchair.
                            companies in the Goldair group supported the Hellenic
                            Red Cross homeless shelter.                    DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS The companies of
                                                                           the Goldair group supported the mission of Doctors
                            PRAKSIS Company employees collected and donated   Without Borders, ensuring access to medical care for
                            clothing to the Homeless Daycare Centre.       thousands of people.

                            GIVE HOPE The company participated in the ‘Give   MAKE A WISH For the second consecutive year,
                            Hope’ programme, in collaboration with TNT,    Goldair Handling supported the Make-a-Wish
                            collecting 20 boxes of necessities (food, clothing, etc.).  Foundation (Make-a-Wish Greece) by celebrating
                                                                           World Wish Day on Friday, 28 April. By participating in
                                                                           the Walk for Wishes, the most brilliant stroll through
                                                                           the streets of Athens, the Company sent a message
                                                                           of strength, hope and joy.

               In addition, Company employees at the regional airport of Kos organised a 5-kilometre walk/run to collect food for the Kos
               Nursing Home.

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