Page 93 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 93
7.5. Environmental performance
Goldair Handling systematically monitors and analyses the WASTE MANAGEMENT
possible environmental effects that may arise from its business The increase of the rate of recycling solid waste per type, and
operations. Based on the results of the actions implemented hence the reduction of the waste produced constitutes a long-
annually, it aims at minimising any negative impact on the standing objective of Goldair Handling. To this end, the Company
environment and saving natural resources. In this framework, ensures that most types of waste are recycled. At the same
reduction of energy consumption and responsible management time, clients adopting the best practices employed by the
of waste are the top environmental priorities in all the Company in terms of waste management play an important
Company’s operations. part in this endeavour.
Type 2016 2017 Management method 2016 2017
Used oil and lubricants (lt) 5,710 4,400 Recycling 2,292 4,087
Oil filters (kg) 1,155 850 Recycling - -
Used workshop batteries 6,310 17,255 Transported to the airport 1,310 7,426
(kg) facilities
Used household-type
10 27 Recycling 71 75
batteries (kg)
Toner (kg) 120 1 Recycling 374 449
Tires (kg) 550 180 Recycling 326 402
Fluorescent lamps (kg) 25 35 Recycling - -
* For the Athens airport, the quantities refer to items collected by the Athens International Airport.
** For the regional airports, the information on management method is not available, as management of the quantities
reported is performed by the local authorities.