Page 91 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 91
Goldair Handling recognises the responsibility to contribute aiming to exploit the opportunities arising from the efficient
to the protection of the environment. Our commitment management of recyclable materials. For this reason,
is not only to fully comply with relative legislation and we participate in recycling programmes and, wherever
requirements but also to adopt better practices wherever possible, we use recycled materials.
possible, by taking preventive measures in case of potential We opt for environmentally friendly supplies from
risk associated with people, animals and plants’ health or environmentally aware procurers. Our personnel receives
with the environment. The primary method to achieve our relevant training, which includes ecological practices,
commitment is to assess and evaluate our environmental energy saving, and environmental management and
impact and to establish, monitor and review on an annual control so as to ensure that they perform their duties in
basis the Company’s objectives and targets. an environmentally responsible way. Furthermore, we
We take measures, within the frame of our ability, for promote the collaboration with all competent authorities
energy saving, the best possible use of natural resources and any other interested parties in order to contribute
and for the minimisation of our environmental impact to the adoption of measures regarding the continuous
in regard to waste management, noise and air quality by improvement of environmental protection.
In the context of the Environmental Management System, leak (regardless of airport and location), the “Reporting/
Goldair Handling has developed and implements a special Investigation of Accident/ Incident” form must be completed
procedure for the management of potential leaks of and sent to the Safety & Quality and Environment departments.
hazardous materials (oil, fuel, hydraulic system acids, etc.). In 2017, 23 readiness drills with environmental content were
The procedure references all required actions for addressing carried out in the regional stations where the Company
a relevant incident and clearly stipulates that, in case of any operates.
7.2. Quality and Environment Committee
In order to monitor the course of the environmental plans of The results of reviews are always communicated to the Board
the Company and the implementation of the System , a specific of Directors of the Company through the Chief Executive Officer.
Quality and Environment Committee has been established.
The Committee is responsible for the periodic review of the Regional Airports: Quality & Environment Committee
Integrated Quality, Environment and Food Safety Management
System. It meets up to three times per year in order to evaluate Station Manager
the adequacy and effectiveness of the system. Its composition, Station Environmental Management Supervisor
depending on the station, is as follows: Station Department Managers
Athens Airport: Quality, HACCP & Environment Committee Review of the regional stations is performed at two levels.
Initially at the local level, whose results are communicated
Chief Executive Officer to the Company’s Board of Directors through the review
CSO, Quality & Environment Manager performed at the Athens station.
Department Managers and Supervisors
Athens Station Manager
Process Owners