Page 92 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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7.3. Green Team
All of Goldair Handling’s people acknowledge that effective the improvement of the natural landscape and the cultivation of
environmental protection stems from collective efforts ecological consciousness and culture in the local communities
combined with corporate culture. in which the Company operates.
On the Company’s staff own initiative, the “Goldair Handling
GREEN TEAM” has been established which organises and More information on the actions implemented by “Goldair
volunteers in public awareness actions throughout the year, Handling GREEN TEAM” in 2017 is available in “7. Goldair
offering its work to organisations, institutions and municipal Handling’s contribution” in the section entitled “Environmental
authorities. Through the actions implemented, it mainly aims at actions” page 98.
7.4. Environmental training and investment
Every year, in the context of the System, programmes which In addition, the Company organizes Environmental Awareness
are aimed at both informing the employees and reducing the Seminars, for all employees, at all the stations where Goldair
Company’s environmental footprint are implemented. Similar Handling operates. The monitoring of these training courses
programmes include: is compulsory for the newly recruited and for the heads of
The staff training programme departments, who are required to repeat this training on an
The environmental impact identification and management annual basis. The Company also systematically invests in a
programme number of other environmental improvements as outlined
The resource exploitation improvement plan below:
The environmental performance monitoring plan
Waste management by duly licensed contractors Accreditation costs
Environmental restoration works or new environmental works Coverage of mass transportation costs
*Coverage of the transportation costs of a large number of employees using mass transportation is implemented in
the context of reducing the environmental footprint of the Company in terms of staff transport.