Page 87 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 87


               6.6. Equal opportunities and diversity

               Goldair Handling recognises and protects the inalienable right   Moreover, the Company applies the Internal Regulation in
               of all human beings to work, ensuring that a strong work   which all rules, rights and obligations are described in detail
               culture is in place. An environment of respect and dignity is   the rules, rights and obligations, the operating procedure of
               cultivated at the Company, where the equal treatment of all   Goldair Handling, as well as the overall philosophy governing
               employees, regardless of gender, racial origin, religion or   the relations of the employees with Management.
               other type of discrimination, is non-negotiable. The Company
               also  opposes  child  labour  and  any  type  of  forced  labour.

                                 There were no incidents of any type of discrimination in 2017 in the Company.

                              TARGETS FOR 2018

                                 Creation of 360° evaluation for executives (from Middle towards Senior Management)

                                 Creation of recruitment center

                                 Creation of Code of Conduct

                                 Analysis of employee satisfaction survey that either concerns further improvement of certain areas or
                              preservation of areas that operate more effectively. The results of the survey will serve as the basis for our
                              Strategic planning for 2018 through focus groups, meetings of the Senior Management team with people from
                              all departments and the Company’s regional stations, aiming at the better understanding and optimisation of
                              the areas in need of improvement.

                                 Strategic replanning of Human Resources, to enhance the growth of our people.

                                 Strategic replanning of the training department, to enhance the skills of our people.

                                 Creation of specialised training courses on the various areas of passenger ground handling
                              (VIP, people with disabilities).

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