Page 86 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 86


               To reinforce the open door policy, twice per week, a member   colleagues and superiors, the means and equipment they are
               of Human Resources visits all departments at the Athens   given and the training they receive.  Its purpose is to provide a
               airport, during specific times, to be able to talk to everybody   platform for people to express themselves freely, without fear,
               in person and listen to any concerns or questions they may   so we can identify those areas that require improvement.
               have. Also, in addition to the aforementioned weekly visit,
               members of Human Resources visit their colleagues in as   Moreover, there is an open and two-way dialogue with the
               many shifts and areas as they can, providing the opportunity   Company’s labour union, whenever deemed necessary by
               to as many employees as possible to talk to them, both in   either side. During 2017, the Management of Goldair Handling
               Athens and at the regional airports.              met twice with representatives of the labour union, with the
                                                                 participation of 15 employees. We should note here that the
               It is worth noting that in 2017 a two-year satisfaction survey   Company completed in 2017 its Employee Complaint Policy,
               of our people was launched, in which  they can anonymously   which was announced to the entire personnel during the first
               express their opinions on the company, their relations with their   months of 2018.

                                   EXTRACT FROM THE EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT POLICY
                                   These complaints may relate to behaviours and actions related to:

                  • Discrimination - defined as the different treatment of   • Injustice - which is defined as an act characterised
                  people arising from prejudice or interest.     by lack of justice or an act opposing justice, in relation
                                                                 to a specific person. The injustice burdens or favours
                  • Harassment - defined as the behaviour that disrupts or   someone unfairly compared to somebody else, and
                  annoys, and is characteristically repeated. This behaviour   violates the principles of meritocracy or equality.
                  is perceived as annoying or threatening.
                                                                 This  policy  presents  all  the  ways  available to the
                  •Bullying -  defined as an aggressive, purposeful act   employees  to  communicate  a  complaint.  It  should  be
                  or behaviour manifested by an individual or group of   noted that the Company provides the employees with
                  individuals repeatedly which endures over time. It may   the option to submit their complaint in writing and/
                  concern physical or psychological violence.    or anonymously, if they wish to do so, through the
                                                                 “Conferience” electronic platform.

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