Page 90 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 90
The Company implements an Environmental Management In the context of acknowledging the efforts of Goldair Handling
System which is certified in accordance with the International in the effective use of natural resources, as well as in the
standard ISO 14001 and includes both the Athens airport reduction of its environmental footprint, in December 2017,
and the network of 25 regional airports. Through its the Company received the “Environmental Excellence Award”
Environmental Management System, the Company focuses from Athens International Airport.
on the continuous improvement of services provided, always
with respect for the environment.
7.1. Environmental policy and environmental
incident response procedure
Our objective is not limited to complying with the applicable legislation and regulations, but extends to the adoption
of the best practices related to given activities. We apply specific procedures and practices, based on the Principle of
Prevention, for the protection of the environment.
In the Environmental Policy, which was revised in 2017, there is actions related to energy conservation, use of natural resources,
a brief description of the commitments made by the Company’s minimisation of environmental impact related to waste issues,
Management and the principles according to which it operates. and noise and air pollution. The principles governing the
There is also reference to Goldair Handling’s goals concerning Company’s policy include the following:
Taking measures Implementation Development
for the protection of an Environmental of systems for
of the environment, Management System measurement,
in full compliance with for the entire range evaluation and
the applicable of activities related continuous improvement
environmental to the production of environmental
legislation. process. performance.
Adoption Implementation
of regular of life-long
environmental audits learning and
in the internal awareness schemes
operations of the for the staff
Company. on environmental