Page 94 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 94


                                                       NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUANTITIES

                                                        ATHENS AIRPORT*                   REGIONAL AIRPORTS**

                  Type                       2016       2017         Management            2016         2017

                  Urban waste (kg)          33,536     136,860     Disposal to landfills    -            -

                  Paper (kg)                27,774     16,010         Recycling           52,027       59,876

                  Plastics (kg)             11,844     17,901         Recycling            940          1,072

                  Aluminium (kg)             2,155      129           Recycling            151          164

                  Glass (kg)                 2,079      2,470         Recycling             11           -

                  Wood (kg)                 30,510     59,810         Recycling             -            -

                  Construction material (kg)  16,850   12,540         Recycling             -            -

                  Animal by-products (kg)    1,040      1,525         Recycling             -            -

               * For the Athens Airport, the quantities refer to data collected by the Athens International Airport.
               ** For the regional airports, the information on management method is not available, as management of the quantities reported
               is performed by the local authorities.

               The Company also manages quantities of metal for the Athens   and energy performance improvement targets are set. In all
               airport and all regional airports. These quantities concern   its areas of operation, Goldair Handling uses the Public Power
               the recycling of supplies, which is performed centrally at the   Corporation (PPC) power grid to cover the energy consumption
               Athens Airport. The quantities in 2016 amounted to 7,630 kg,   of its facilities. In addition, and to a lesser extent, it uses oil,
               increasing to 20,598 kg in 2017.                  gas and natural gas, as there is no potential for use of energy
                                                                 produced by fuel derived from renewable energy sources.
               Efficient energy usage is a major concern of the Company in   The energy consumption of the last two-year period, for the
               its effort to save resources and protect the environment. To   Athens and the regional airports, is reported as follows:
               this end, there is annual monitoring of energy consumption,

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