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THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017 Islands 3
SABA--The majority of Sa-
bans voted for centre-dem-
ocrat D66 in Wednesday’s
election for the Dutch Par-
liament’s Second Chamber.
Saba saw a considerably
large turnout of voters. With
a population of about 2,000,
almost 900 residents were
eligible to vote and a total of
385 persons (or more than
40 per cent) cast their votes
at the polling stations in The
Bottom and Windwardside.
The campaign leading up
to this election was evident
on the island in the form of
a visit from Christian Demo-
crat CDA contender and
CDA candidate Koos Sneek (second left) meeting with voters on Election Day. St. Eustatius resident Koos
Sneek, large promotional
billboards encouraging par-
Former Commissioner Will Johnson showing his support
ticipation in the election,
several online discussions for Socialist Party (SP) in the Second Chamber election.
on why voting was important come more informed about for Freedom PVV Geert
and even a message from the island’s political aspects. Wilders during the election
Saba’s own governing party He said it was important to campaign. “I think if Wilders
ST. EUSTATIUS--Voters land Councilman Reuben A male voter said he had Windward Islands People’s vote as it generates commu- were to visit Saba he would
in St. Eustatius voted mas- Merkman, DP Council- voted for Simons “because Party (WIPM) on the rele- nication between the islands be able to do more for the
vancy of Sabans casting their and members of the Dutch island than the other politi-
sively for Island Council- woman Adelka Spanner she is the first black lady to
man Koos Sneek of Demo- and Sneek were among head a list. Her party repre- votes. Parliament. “We are not sat- cal parties who have made
cratic Party (DP) who was those participating in the sents all of Holland. It has When asked why she voted, isfied with everything, but I promises and not delivered,”
Desiree Soares-Johnson told have a gut feeling eventually he commented when asked
a candidate on the Chris- election. persons from the Caribbe-
Caribisch Netwerk news site, we’ll get there,” said Leven- why he voted for Wilders.
tian Democrat CDA slate Sneek said he was “very an and from Holland, and “I thought it was important ston. As an example he referred
in Wednesday’s election proud” that he had the persons of different faiths
to vote, because I believe Several young Sabans had a to the Spies Evaluation Re-
for the Dutch Parliament’s chance to become the first and religions.” if we don’t vote then it’s as hard time deciding whether port. “The Island Govern-
Second Chamber. Member of Parliament Eight votes were cast for if we don’t have a say. We they should vote and for ments have asked for more
Of the 1,875 eligible vot- (MP) to represent Statia in Party for Freedom PVV were given this opportunity. whom to vote. Young voter leeway, but nothing is being
ers, 436 turned out to cast the Second Chamber. and for Socialist Party So while I hear people com- Lionell Charles said, “Even done to allow this to hap-
their votes. Of these, 335 “It is a good first step and (SP). Conservative VVD of plaining about not knowing if you don’t know who to pen.”
voted for Sneek, who is the I hope that more people Prime Minister Mark Rutte enough about the parties, the vote for, at least vote blank Levenstone looks past
#49 candidate on the CDA from the islands will be able gathered six votes, and information is there and you so this can be an indication Wilders’ controversial views
slate. to postulate themselves in coalition partner Labour have to educate yourself. We that Holland needs to find on Islam. “I think that’s just
Sneek was posted outside the Second Chamber elec- PvdA five. Christian Union are a small percentage, but out why there were so many street talk in Holland and it
the voting bureau at Mike tion next time around. The was good for four votes. we still count. By voting you blank votes. If a lot of per- doesn’t affect us.”
van Putten Youth Centre idea is to get more people Three votes were cast for are showing Holland we have sons voted blank then maybe By contrast, former Com-
a voice.” they will see for the next time missioner and WIPM leader
from 7:30am and said that involved with the election pro-animal party PvdD,
Opposition Saba Labour that more information is Will Johnson weighed in
according to him more peo- for the national Govern- and two votes each went
ple came out to vote for the ment, as it is also our na- to party for seniors 50Plus Party (SLP) leader Ishmael needed.” heavily on Socialist Party
Second Chamber election tional Government. They and Forum for Democracy Levenston was at one of the Well-known political activ- (SP), which campaigned for
two voting stations to encour- ist Dave Levenstone was a pushing back the retirement
compared with 2012. are representing us as well. FvD.
age young people to vote. He strong supporter of Party age to 65.
During a radio broad- Those from the Carib- A student from the Neth- said it was important for the
cast on Tuesday evening, bean Netherlands islands erlands said he had mixed younger generation to be-
Progressive Labour Party should go out to vote too. It feelings about the election.
(PLP) called on voters would be good if there are “I have been on the island
not to vote in the Second more candidates from the for nine months. I am far
Chamber election. The islands, and not just me,” away from home and hope
party took to the airwaves Sneek said. that good leaders will get
because it wanted to send Due to Sneek’s candidacy, into Government. A lot of
a message to the current CDA won the election in my friends on the island are
Members of the Dutch Statia by a landslide. Cen- not going out to vote. The
Parliament concerning its tre-democrat D66 came distance between the Neth-
grievances about a number in second with 27 votes. erlands and Statia makes
of issues with the current Green-left GroenLinks at things very complicated,”
Dutch Government. 15 votes, and Article 1 of he said.
However, Acting Island Dutch TV presenter Syl-
Governor Julian Wood- vana Simons, who is of Su-
ley, Commissioner Derrick riname origin, captured 14
Simmons, independent Is- votes.