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THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017 Islands 7
(34) and A.L. (30) were ar-
rested on Monday for pos-
session of counterfeit US
dollar bills. Police found
an unspecified amount of
counterfeit currency on
these men.
The $100 bills had the
same serial number:
CB66474177E. The $50
bills also had the same seri-
al number, MH06333995A,
and $20 bills had two serial
numbers: K56146706A and
JK87282841A. The coun-
terfeit bills were confiscat-
ed for further investigation
The Cabinet of the Aruba Minister Plenipotentiary in The Hague, also known as the Aruba
House, served as a voting bureau during Tuesday’s Dutch Parliamentary elections. A num- by the Police Fraud Depart-
ber of voters of Aruban descent, including Minister Plenipotentiary Juan David Yrausquin ment.
The Police Force sends
and personnel of the Aruba House and the Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) Europe, cast
out a warning to the en-
their votes at this location. Yrausquin had called on the Arubans living in The Hague and
surrounding areas to make use of their right to vote and to come to the Aruba House. tire community that they
(Photo by Nico van der Ven) should be cautious when
accepting $100, $50 and $20
bills, especially those hav-
ing the serial numbers of
those confiscated. Anyone
who encounters a counter-
feit bill should immediately
contact the police by calling
PHILIPSBURG--It is time kinson Foundation, Diabe- Additional information on 542-2222 ext. 215/216, the
for the ninth annual Lion tes Foundation, Nature’s other lectures will be re-
anonymous tip line 9300 or
Rudy Hoeve Health and Discount, YHC Health leased in the media next The counterfeit bills found on the two men by police on
Wellness Fair at the Festi- Department, Vital Health, week before the Fair. Monday.
val Village in Philipsburg Mental Health Founda- Healthy food and drinks
scheduled for 9:00am to tion, Physiotherapists, will be on sale and a chil-
4:00pm Saturday, March Alzheimer’s Foundation, dren’s corner will be set
25, with a variety of stake- Henderson Insurance, EN- up for parents wishing to
holders available for the NIA, Martijn Trading, St. bring their children along.
public to receive free test- Maarten Medical Center, According to St. Maarten
ing, follow lectures and Social and Health Insur- Lions Club President Lion
receive important informa- ance SZV, Kidney Founda- Davey Woods, “The event MARIGOT--In connection will be divided by buoys that prohibited within a 300-me-
tion about their health and tion, Bio Magnetism and is a family affair, as health with the SXM Music Festival are visible day and night. tre zone as of Wednesday,
wellness. I&I Fitness, among others. and wellness awareness is organised by SARL Explorer The Collectivité further ad- March 15 to Monday, March
The public will be able to A number of lectures for the young and old alike in collaboration with Asso- vises that all nautical activi- 20, at 8:00am.
get a variety of free tests will be given by medical and is one of primary focus ciation Les Amis du Festi- ties in Happy Bay have been
and valuable information professionals in their re- points for the St. Maarten val, the Collectivité informs
the public that anchoring of
from the AIDS Founda- spective fields. Dr. Emiko Lions Club’s yearly com-
boats in Happy Bay has been
tion, Windward Islands Bird-Lake will speak about munity projects.” prohibited from Wednesday,
Emergency Medical Ser- hypertension and stroke, Members of the public are
March 15, to Monday, March
vices (WIEMS), Positive while SZV will discuss urged to take advantage
20, at 8:00am.
Foundation, Sickle Cell rights and obligations of of this large gathering of During this period all boats
Foundation, Alpha Health SZV insured and require- stakeholders and the free must temporarily use the Bay
Care, Enable Holistic Oc- ments and procedures for testing and information of Marigot or Galis Bay.
cupational Therapy, Par- medical reimbursements. sessions at the Fair. Two swimming zones have
Persons, companies or also been established for
foundations that still would Happy Bay beach from
like to take part in Lion March 15 to Sunday, March
Rudy Hoeve Health and 19, at midnight. A 100-me-
Wellness Fair 2017 can con- tre section to the left of the
tact Lion Jennifer Johnson beach is reserved for the
at 522-6308 or Lion Wally general public participating
PHILIPSBURG--Social Insurer SZV apologised on in the Festival.
Havertong at 520-3358 by
Wednesday to clients who were unable to make use of the this Friday, March 17, by A 200-metre section to the
walk-in services. The service, which caters to clients who the end of business day. right of the beach has been
need to request or renew their insurance cards, was halted reserved exclusively for Festi-
as of 1:00pm due to an unexpected increase of clients, ex- val attendees. The two zones
ceeding the average amount.
The service was established to reduce waiting times and to
create more flexibility for clients in need of these facilities.
On average 170 persons make use of the walk-in services
each Wednesday.
The influx of clients was established in the morning hours.
To avoid excessively long waiting times for clients and en-
sure proper processing of requests, it was decided to end
the issuance of numbers as of 1:00pm instead of 3:00pm.
Persons who would like to request or renew their insur-
ance card are asked to request an appointment online via or call 546-6782. Appointment requests will be
confirmed within two working days.