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4                  Islands                                                 THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017

                                        compared to 50,000 for the
                                        previous Parliamentary elec-
                                        tions in 2012.
                                          Plasterk remarked, “De-
                                        spite all efforts, it could not
                                        be excluded, as with any elec-
                                        tions, that voting documents
                                        arrived late or not at all – as
                                        a result the person can’t vote
                                        (in time).” He added that
    D66 candidate Eelco Keij with his wife and children out-  unfortunately the mailing
    side a voting bureau in Nijmegen on Tuesday.  delivery wasn’t equally well
                                        arranged in all countries.
   THE HAGUE--Democrat- an independent institute to     The Ministry of Home Af-
   ic Party D66 candidate in  look into the failing actions   fairs and Kingdom Relations
   Wednesday’s Parliamentary  of this government,” Keij   BZK is responsible for the
   elections Eelco Keij will en- said. Keij and a number of   registration of eligible vot-
   courage Dutch voters abroad  voters abroad lost a court in-  ers in the Dutch Caribbean
   who were duped by the late  junction last week to get the   countries Aruba, Curaçao
   arrival of their voting docu- March 15 deadline extended   and St. Maarten. This minis-
   ments to file a complaint at  by one week to buy the voters   try also sends the voting pa-  Deputy Dutch Representative Chris Johnson empties the milk can ballot box with assis-
   the National Ombudsman.  more time.  pers to these voters. The vot-  tance of Anoushka Devid and Robert-Jan de Wilde of his office.
     Keij fears that thousands    Dutch Minister of Home   ers on the islands, more than
   of Dutch nationals resid- Affairs and Kingdom Rela-  1,700 in total, received these
   ing abroad were unable to  tions Ronald Plasterk ex-  documents in time.  D66 winner
   cast their vote in Wednes- pounded in a letter to the     Registration for each indi-
   day’s elections because they  Second Chamber on March   vidual election by the voters
   received their voting docu- 9, 2017 that due to circum-  abroad, including the Dutch   Continued from page 1.
   ments too late and subse- stances the definite ballot   Caribbean, will no longer be
   quently might have been un- paper and the overview of   necessary in the future. The     The Party for the Animals  siding on St. Maarten have  fitting the criteria could cast
   able to return the completed  the candidates could only be   Second and First Chamber   PvD of Marienne Thieme  the right to vote in the Dutch  a ballot at the “letter vot-
   documents to the voting  drafted on February 13.  have approved a change to   received four votes as did  Elections for the Second  ing” bureau at the offices
   bureau in their country of    The Municipality of The   the Electoral Law which will   Artikel1.  Chamber of Dutch Parlia- of the Dutch Representa-
   residence, usually the Dutch  Hague, which is responsible   enable permanent registra-    Christian Unie (CU) of  ment. Of those, 151 made  tives in Aruba, Curaçao and
   embassy or consulate, or the  for the registration and vot-  tion of voters abroad. This   Gert-Jan Segers got three  use of their right putting  St. Maarten. Voters living
   voting bureau in The Hague.  ing papers of Dutch nationals   adopted law should become   votes.   the voter turnout at 90.4 per  abroad could also participate
     Keij, who has been champi- abroad, sent the first batch   effective per April 1, 2017.    It was two votes for Forum  cent. The number of eligible  in the election by casting
   oning the rights of the voters  of voting documents to the     Responding to written
   abroad, spoke with the Na- some 21,000 voters who had   questions by Member of the   for Democracy FvD of Thi- voters was 123 in 2012.   their votes by mail, or by vot-
   tional Ombudsman on Tues- indicated that they wanted to   Second Chamber Sjoerd Sjo-  erry Baudet.    The ballots, sealed in white  ing by proxy.
   day to discuss the matter.  receive their ballot paper by   erdsma (D66), Plasterk stat-    The Reformed Political  envelopes, were emptied    The elections again high-
   He informed the National  regular mail as soon as pos-  ed that the Municipality The   Party SGP received one vote  by Head of the Dutch Rep- lighted some stark contrasts
   Ombudsman that soon after  sible, which was on February   Hague has already made the   as did GeenPeil, Lokaal in de  resentation office in St.  in the various parts of the
   Wednesday’s Second Cham- 21, stated the Minister.  necessary preparations to ex-  Kamer, and 50Plus.  Maarten Chris Johnson after  Dutch Kingdom. Just next
   ber elections, he would ask    On February 14, the voting   ecute the new Electoral Law.      The country’s lone polling  the zip-tie lock on the ret- door in St. Eustatius and
   the duped voters to file a  documents were sent elec-  Soon after the law has gone   station – the Office of the  rofitted large silver milk can  Saba polls were opened un-
   complaint.        tronically to the some 40,000   into effect, voters abroad will   Dutch Representative in St.  was snipped with scissors.  til 9:00pm local time. Also,
     “This would be a good way  voters who wanted to receive   be asked whether they want   Maarten – closed promptly  The ballots were opened with  a candidate on St. Eustatius,
   to get an indication of the  their ballot by email. A total   to be included in the perma-  at 3:00pm local time, match- swift efficiency and it quickly  Koos Sneek, who is with the
   number of affected Dutch  of 78,000 persons registered   nent registration.  ing the 9:00pm closure in  emerged that the majority of  CDA, was not on the ballot
   voters abroad, and to get  as voters for these elections,
                                          The Minister promised to   the Netherlands. Before vot- voters were favouring D66  available to St. Maarten vot-
                                        include the signals from vot-  ing was closed off the Office  and Rutte’s VVD.   ers due to the constitutional
                                        ers abroad in the evaluation   made a check at the Post Of-   Eligible voters were Dutch  status difference between
                                        of the March 15 elections,   fice to ensure no ballots were  nationals who have been re- the Netherlands and the so-
                                        and to look at the suggestions   sent by snail mail.   siding in the Netherlands for  called Caribbean Nether-
                                        for further improvement.    A total of 167 persons re- at least ten years. Persons  lands.

                                                                                               POND   ISLAND--Gov-
                                                                                               ernment’s revenues for
                                                                                               the first two months of the
                                                                                               year “look quite good,”
                                                                                               announced Finance Minis-
                                                                                               ter Richard Gibson Sr. on
                                                                                                 He did not give figures, but
                                                                                               told the press the numbers
                                                                                               were quite good compared
                                                                                               to last year. He hopes Gov-
                                                                                               ernment will earn more as
                                                                                               months progress and that
                                                                                               the economy will continue
                                                                                               to “perform positively.”
                                                                                                 Turnover Tax (ToT) pay-
                                                                                               ments are also up com-
                                                                                               pared to the same period
                                                                                               last year.
                                                                                                 Transfer Tax numbers are
                                                                                               also good, said Gibson Sr.
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