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P. 34
34 Opinion THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017
Dear Editor, including Latin America offers according to Con- Fourth, a rising middle Other top risks include methanol, printed materi-
With a multi-million dollar and the Caribbean over nectAmericas are: Huge class: As of 2015 China has cybersecurity (25 per cent), als, and electric conduc-
Chinese investment at our a period of decades. This population and workforce; the largest middle class in European election results tors. Besides the afore-
doorsteps, the trend to- has presented enormous China is the most populat- the world, exceeding that (13 per cent), and Brexit- mentioned, you also have
day and for the recent past opportunities for countries ed country in the world and of the United States. The Great Britain leaving the financial and international
years for many countries is where it concerns invest- is home to approximately wealth of China’s middle European Union (four per business services and Chi-
to look to the East towards ment funding, products and 1.4 billion inhabitants. This class has increased six fold cent). nese tourist which is still in
Asia. China’s role has been services. means that roughly 1 out of (600 per cent) in this centu- At the Cayman Summit, its infancy.
rising in a sustainable man- Five attractive features every 5 individuals in the ry, compared to the 115 per Chris Duggan from Dart The US-China Economic
ner all around the world, that the Chinese market world live in this dynamic cent increase in the rest of Enterprises, director of and Security Review Com-
economy. Also, its work- the world and the 280 per the Cayman Alternative mission said China’s ties
force amounts to 806.5 mil- cent increase in India. Investment Summit, was with the Caribbean had
lion and is the main driver And fifth, an increase in reported to have said that, strengthened over the dec-
of its economic growth. consumption: In absolute “This next year will be un- ade. “[They – Ed.] are like-
Secondly, economic lead- terms, China’s capacity like anything the alterna- ly to continue to expanding
ership: China’s share of grew faster than in other tive investment industry under President Xi Jin-
Gross Domestic Product countries. Between 2000 has ever faced,” adding, ping, who has emphasized
(GDP) in relation to global and 2010 it went from 650 “With rapid technological relations with the region
output went from 2.5 per billion dollars to 1.4 tril- changes and major geopo- more than his predeces-
cent in 1980 to 17.2 per lion dollars. The rise in litical shifts around every sors. Beijing likely views
cent in 2015. Thirdly, im- household income and the corner, the industry must the Caribbean as strategi-
portance of international increase in discretionary show that it can chart a cally important by virtue
trade: International trade spending are other contrib- path through what prom- of its proximity to the US
is embedded in the DNA uting factors boosting con- ises to be choppy waters.” and major maritime trade
of the Chinese economy, sumer spending, making Other identified challeng- routes and infrastructure,
representing 47 per cent China an attractive market. es in terms of the disrup- such as the Panama Canal
of its GDP. It is the largest The first China Puerto tive potential of technol- and the region’s ports,” it
exporter of merchandise Rico Investment Forum ogy, nearly a third of the said.
and the second largest im- was held early March and Cayman Summit attendees China is among the
porter. San Juan Chinese inves- anticipate that artificial world’s top source mar-
tors at the forum were intelligence will have the kets where tourism is
told to put their money in most significant impact concerned. China, with
Puerto Rico because “it is this year. Other popular double-digit growth in ex-
in the U.S. map… it is an choices included robotics/ penditure every year since
unofficial 51st state,” Chief automation (19 percent), 2004, continues to lead
Executive Officer of Phar- block chain (18 percent), global outbound travel,
maceutical Company Pura- cybersecurity (16 percent), benefitting Asian destina-
Cap, Dahai Guo said. self-driving cars (10 per- tions such as Japan and
The company operating cent) and wearable tech (5 Thailand, as well as the
out of Puerto Rico says percent). United States and various
Chinese investors would With so much uncertainty, European destinations. In
benefit from all of the pro- country Sint Maarten must 2015, Chinese outbound
tections of U.S. laws as embrace opportunities that tourist visits reached 120
they bring products to the present themselves that of- million. Chinese tourists,
American market. Pura- fer long-term sustainable now in top position, have
Cap is aiming to make the economic security. spent US $182 billion, US
first ever Puerto Rico-made Many islands in the Car- $122 billion, Germany $94
drug imported to China this ibbean export products billion, UK $61 billion and
year. The company makes to China such as medical, Russia just under $50 bil-
numerous tablets and cap- surgical/veterinary instru- lion.
sules as well as liquid medi- ments and appliances; Sint Maarten, looking
cines such as Vicks. parts for telephone sets; East would benefit the
During the China-Puerto non-roasted coffee; woven long-term sustainable
Rico Investment Forum, cotton fabrics; orthopae- economic interests of the
Chinese investor Yuan Bin dic devices, plastic articles; country.
Cen who owns and oper- fresh fish; shaped wood;
ates ECO Green Recycle, essential oils; synthetic Roddy Heyliger
a tire recycling factory in knitted undergarments;
Puerto Rico, spoke about
his successes and is open-
ing a second factory on the
island. At the Forum inves-
tors had questions not only
Am I not beautiful, is it because I am smarter than her
about business opportuni-
ties but also about costs, and not prettier than her?
incentives and the opportu- Am I not beautiful, is it because I am shorter and
nity of being able to launch rounder than her and not slim and trim like her?
Am I not beautiful, is it because I don’t sit straight and
their products in the U.S.
market. have a nice shape?
This week at the Cayman Am I not beautiful, is it because I have mixed texture
hair and not full curly hair?
Alternative Investment
Summit, a survey of more Am I not beautiful, is it because my waist goes out more
than 200 delegates showed or my but is bigger and my breast are bigger?
that 44 per cent of industry No, I am beautiful because I am me, and if I wasn’t me
who would I be?
professionals consider the
new U.S. Republican Ad- I am beautiful because the things that make me unbeau-
ministration in place under tiful in society is what makes me beautiful.
the leadership of President So yes I am bigger, smarter, round and don’t have great
posture but yes I am beautiful and so are you.
Donald Trump, the big-
gest potential global risk in
Sjakira Webster