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THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017                                People                         39

   LONDON--”Beauty and the              ity Fair magazine that includ-
   Beast” star Emma Watson              ed a picture in which parts of
   is planning legal action over        her breasts were exposed.
   photos said to have been               Critics called Watson, who
   leaked online, but her repre-        is also a United Nations
   sentatives on Wednesday de-          goodwill  ambassador  on
   nied reports that the pictures       women’s rights and equality,
   showed the British actress           hypocritical and said she was
   nude.                                betraying her feminist ideals.
     “Photos from a clothes fit-         Watson hit back, saying femi-
   ting Emma had with a stylist         nism was about choice. “It’s
   a couple of years ago have           about freedom, it’s about lib-
   been stolen. They are not            eration, it’s about equality.
   nude photographs. Lawyers            I really don’t know what my
                          Emma Watson
   have been instructed and             tits have to do with it,” she   Models present creations during the Bora Aksu catwalk show during London Fashion Week in
   we are not commenting fur- what action her lawyers are  told Reuters.  London, Britain, February 17, 2017.
   ther,” her publicist said in a  planning, or against whom.    Watson appears in the live
   statement to Variety and the    Watson, 26, who made her  action version of the Dis-
   BBC.              name as a child star play- ney classic “Beauty and the
     Social media and blog  ing Hermione Granger in  Beast,” which opens in mov-
   posts have claimed that na- the “Harry Potter” movies,  ie theaters around the world
   ked images of Watson have  found herself at the center  this week and is expected to
   been posted this week on an  of a social media controver- take some $200 million at the
   anonymous document-shar- sy earlier this month over a  box-office, according to box
   ing network. It was not clear  photo shoot she did for Van- office analysts.
                                                          NEW YORK/LONDON/ bloggers post snaps of their  editor Silvia Grilli also said
                                                          MILAN--Dressed in a red  outfits and images from the  press, bloggers and influ-
                                                          top, fuchsia pleated skirt  shows and may collaborate  ences “can work together
                                                          and fluffy boa worn on the  with brands that sometimes  very well,” serving different
                                                          shoulder, fashion blogger  dress them. “(Bloggers)  audiences in different ways.
                                                          Beatrice Balaj poses for  belong to a fashion system  Magazines, for example,
                                                          pictures in her front row  that ... has been literally  offer trends while bloggers
                                                          seat at a New York catwalk  reshaped,” said Tommaso  share and speak more per-
                                                          show.             Aquilano, creative direc- sonally.
                                                            She is among a number  tor at Italian fashion brand    “I think everybody serves
                                                          of bloggers who use the  Fay. “Influencers and blog- a very different purpose ...
                                                          internet and social media  gers at the end of the day  You talk about somebody
                                                          to cover the biannual wo- are the mirror of what peo- who reaches somebody in
                                                          menswear events in New  ple are in everyday lives.”  an instantaneous way. Edi-
                                                          York, London, Milan and    But relations with the es- tors have a different level
                                                          Paris, as well as everyday  tablished fashion media can  of veteran experience,”
                                                          fashion, and whose power  be frosty. Last year, fashion  said Joe Zee, former Elle
                                                          to set trends has grown  bible Vogue criticised blog- magazine creative direc-
                                                          to rival that of traditional  gers in an online post about  tor and now editor-in-chief
                                                          glossy magazines.  Milan Fashion Week, with  at Yahoo Style. “I think
                                                            “We basically show people  one writer accusing them  we have so much fashion
                                                          our lives on-camera and  of “heralding the death  right now ... and there are
   Rapper Snoop Dogg performs at ComplexCon in his hometown of Long Beach, California, U.S.   off-camera, and people are  of style” by changing into  so many angles to come at
   on November 6, 2016.                                   interested in that and want  “head-to-toe, paid-to-wear  it that there is room for ev-
                                                          to know more,” said Balaj,  outfits every hour.”  erybody.”
                                                          whose Instagram feed car-   The bloggers said that was    Fashion fans say both sides
                                                          ries images from a number  hypocritical, as magazines  have their strengths. “I feel
                                                          of once-exclusive fashion  borrow designer clothes for  like magazines are awe-
                                                          week shows. “We’re very  shoots and dedicate large  some for visual inspiration
                                                          influential because people  spaces to brand advertis- but bloggers have a certain
                                                          fall in love with our person- ing. Italian fashion blogger  truth to them,” London stu-
   NEW YORK--U.S. President  week with celebrity website    “I think people can disagree   alities rather than what we  Carlo Sestini says the two  dent Ella Light said. “They
   Donald Trump on Wednes- TMZ, Trump’s personal law- on policy, but we’ve got to   do.”  sides help each other, and  get paid sometimes, but I
   day attacked a music video  yer, Michael Cohen, called  be careful about that kind     Reaching consumers via  that “fighting will just not  feel bloggers are a bit more
   in which rapper Snoop Dogg  the video “totally disgrace- of thing because the wrong         real and you can relate to
   points a fake gun at a clown- ful” and said the musician  person sees that and gets the   the web or social media  lead to anything.”
   like Trump figure.  owed Trump an apology.  wrong idea and you could   platforms, Balaj and other    Grazia Italy magazine  them a bit more.”
     “Can you imagine what the    “There is absolutely nothing  have a real problem,” Rubio
   outcry would be if @Snoop- funny about an assassination  told TMZ.
   Dogg, failing career and all,  attempt on a president,” Co-   California rapper Snoop
   had aimed and fired the gun  hen said. “I certainly would  Dogg, 45, told Billboard he
   at President Obama? Jail  not have accepted it if it was  saw Trump as a clown. The
   time!” Trump wrote on his  President (Barack) Obama.  video, released on Sunday,
   Twitter account.  I certainly don’t accept it as  was intended to address
     Snoop Dogg’s satirical  President Trump, and in all  police violence, the incar-
   video for “Lavender” makes  fairness, it’s not funny, it’s  ceration of black people and
   references to issues includ- not artistic.”  Trump’s bid to impose a tem-
   ing immigration and the po-   The video has also drawn  porary ban on people enter-
   lice killings of unarmed black  criticism from U.S. Repub- ing the United States from
   men, and features characters  lican Senators Marco Rubio  several  Muslim-majority
   dressed as clowns including  and Ted Cruz. Rubio, who  countries.
   one called Ronald Klump.  has spoken of being a fan of    “I feel like it’s a lot of people
   Towards the end, the rapper  hip hop music, said that be- making cool records, having
   points a fake handgun at the  cause of America’s history  fun, partying, but nobody’s
   head of the Trump-like char- of assassinations “anything  dealing with the real issue
   acter and the replica weapon  like that is something peo- with this .... clown as presi-
   releases a flag saying “Bang.” ple should be really careful  dent,” the musician said.
     In an interview earlier this  about.”
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