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P. 38
38 People THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017
AUSTIN, Texas--The new rhino poaching in South million) a year.
documentary “Trophy” Africa surged to a record A license to hunt a lion in
opens in a sprawling cor- 1,215 animals in 2014. southern Africa can go for
ner of South Africa run by South Africa has some about $50,000. Internation-
John Hume, who is praised 20,000 rhinos, or about 80 al agencies regulate some
by some as protecting the percent of the world’s rhino of the hunts and direct that
continent’s rhinos from population. proceeds be used to sup-
extinction and vilified by The film also asks ques- port conservation efforts in
others for trying to turn the tions about the role of game impoverished parts of the
animals into cash spinners. resorts sustained by hunt- continent.
“Trophy,” shown this week ing that can restore Afri- During filming, hunting
at the South by Southwest can ecosystems. Tourists on became a global issue after
film festival in Austin, ex- photo safaris may spend a an American trophy hunter
John Hume, the world’s largest rhino breeder walks among his rhinos at Buffalo Dream amines how efforts to com- few hundred dollars a night in 2015 killed a lion named
Ranch, North West Province, South Africa in this November 2016 handout photo. mercialize wild animals and to stay at an African game “Cecil,” provoking an inter-
encourage big-game hunt- lodge while a hunter can national outcry. After that,
ing in Africa can generate be paying several thousand Schwarz and fellow film-
funds for conservation, dollars a night to kill game. maker Christina Clusiau
while also arousing criti- Data is scarce on how lost access to some sources
cism. much money hunting gen- who feared backlash.
“We want the viewer to go erates across Africa. But in “It is hard to wrap your
through a roller coaster of South Africa, the Environ- head around the idea that
GENEVA--U.N. refugee being challenged and be- ment Ministry has said the to conserve something,
agency special envoy Ange- ing confused,” filmmaker hunting industry is worth sometimes we may have to
lina Jolie made an impas- Shaul Schwarz said in an in- about 6.2 billion rand ($485 kill,” Clusiau said.
sioned plea on Wednesday terview, adding there were
for internationalism in the no easy answers for pro-
face of wars driving people tecting Africa’s big game.
from their homes and a “Trophy” looks at people
“rising tide of nationalism like Hume, the world’s larg-
masquerading as patrio- est private rhino breeder,
tism”. who has spent large sums Channel 130 SXM Cable
The Hollywood actress, to protect the animals from Channel 8 WTN
speaking at the United Na- poachers seeking to kill
tions in Geneva, called for them for their horns. Hume Thursday, March 16
a renewed commitment to trims the tips of the horns 6:00am Morgan Mainta - TCFM
6:30am Mòru Bon Dia
the “imperfect” world body U.S. Actor and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie attends from his 1,500 rhinos every 9:30am Empire Files: Palestine 2
and to diplomacy to settle a conference at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, two years, building a stock- 10:00am Gostoso
conflicts. on Wednesday. pile worth tens of millions 11:00am Dun’e un Chèns
“If governments and lead- its participation in the U.N. amount needed, she said. of dollars that he wants to 12:00pm Café CNN
12:30pm TeleNotisia Mèrdia
ers are not keeping that Human Rights Council. Operations in four coun- sell. He is lobbying to make 1:00pm Bo Tra’i Mèrdia
flame of internationalism “A lot of the fear we ob- tries where 20 million the trade legal and use pro- 3:30pm Kantadó Mayó
alive today, then we as citi- serve today of refugees, of people are on the brink of ceeds to protect more rhi- 4:00pm Overdrive - TCFM
5:00pm Youth Experience
zens must,” Jolie said in foreigners, is produced by death from starvation -- Ye- nos. 6:00pm Bonochi Kòrsou
the annual Sergio Vieira ignorance, often fuelling men, Somalia, South Sudan Some conservationists 7:00pm TeleDeporte
de Mello lecture honour- politicians as well,” she said and Nigeria -- are severely criticize him for wanting 7:30pm Kòki riba Kòki
ing the veteran U.N. aid in response to a question. underfunded. to turn a wild animal into 8:00pm TeleNotisia
worker killed in a Baghdad “We have to recognize the Jolie, who described her- a commodity, similar to 9:00pm Wega di Number Kòrsou
9:10pm Partisipashon di Morto
bombing in 2003. damage we do when we un- self as “a proud American” the treatment of livestock. 9:15pm Pagina Sosial
“We see a rising tide of dermine the U.N. or use it and “an internationalist”, Rhino horns, which can 9:30pm Metabolismo, Salú i Bienestár
nationalism, masquerading selectively -- or not at all has worked since 2001 for grow back, sell for prices 10:30pm Kantadó Mayó
11:00pm Telenotisia (r)
as patriotism, and the re- -- or when we rely on aid the U.N. High Commis- higher than gold in parts of
emergence of policies en- to do the job of diplomacy, sioner for Refugees (UN- Asia where there is a belief,
couraging fear and hatred or give the U.N. impossible HCR), visiting uprooted unfounded by science, that
of others,” she warned. tasks and then underfund civilians from Iraq to Cam- they can cure cancer.
Jolie did not refer directly it.” bodia and Kenya. Due to Asian demand,
to U.S. President Donald Not a single humanitar-
Trump whose administra- ian appeal to donor gov- BVN (Dutch/Flemish) TV
tion is reviewing its funding ernments worldwide has Channel 122 SXM Cable
of the United Nations and received even half the Channel 23 WTN
Thursday, March 16
12:00pm VRT Journaal
12:30pm Nederland Kiest: Het Vervolg
TV 15 (local) 2:25pm BinnensteBuiten
Channel 115 SXM Cable 3:00pm NOS Journaal
3:05pm Sesamstraat
Thursday, March 16 3:25pm Sesamstraat 10 voor
8:00am SXM Daily News (rr) 3:35pm Het Klokhuis
TV-CARIB (local) 8:30am Replay DCOMM 3:50pm NOS Jeugdjournaal
Channel 10 WTN 9:00am Caribbean Newsline 3:55pm Trollie
9:30am Caribbean Workout 4:20pm Blokken
Thursday, March 16 10:00am Music Videos 4:45pm Thuis
6:30am Facing the Day 5:00pm Music Videos 5:10pm Dagelijkse Kost
7:00am TV-CARIB Informer (r) 5:30pm Caribbean Newsline 5:25pm EenVandaag
7:40am Noticias en Español (r) 6:00pm DComm 5:55pm NOS Sportjournaal
12:05pm Viewpoint (PJD2) 6:30pm Caribbean Workout 6:05pm VRT Journaal
Program Rotation 7:00pm Caribbean Medical 6:45pm De Wereld Draait Door
5:00pm It’s About Time (PJD2) 7:30pm SXM Daily News 7:35pm NOS Journaal
6:40pm DComm 8:00pm Oral Gibbes Live 7:55pm Weerbericht Europa/Afrika
7:00pm Let’s Talk 9:00pm Caribbean Passport 8:00pm Klem
7:30pm Superclip 9:30pm Music Videos 8:50pm Brussel, 1 jaar later
8:00pm TVCARIB Informer 10:00pm Caribbean Lottery/All Access 9:50pm Op zoek naar de granaatappel
8:30pm Primetime with Beverly Hyman 10:30pm Music Videos 10:15pm Nieuwsuur
9:00pm Live Lottery Drawings 11:00pm SXM Daily News (r) 11:05pm Weerbericht Amerika/Caribiën
10:30pm Noticias en Español/Qué Farándula! 11:30pm Caribbean Newsline 11:10pm Pauw & Jinek: De Verkiezingen