P. 23
In this category, the team is seeking a hospital has agreed to hold
possible 6 points. Please observe in educational outreach programs
the details provided how they hope for new mothers on giving
to achieve this credit. birth as well as infant CPR.
Finally, the third innovative
• Innovation- Thanks to the
careful, meticulous work of the approach will be the landscape
maintenance will only use pest
design and construction teams,
the project is hopeful to reuse control methods for sustaining
an organic garden.
almost all of the original
building. Because the building • The principal designer for the
had only been abandon for a St. Joseph’s renovation project
short period of time, is LEED AP BD+C certified. She
deterioration and damage was was charged with monitoring
minimum and repairable. all work and applications to see
Therefore, 95% of the building that LEED requirements were
was incorporated into the met when possible.
renovation. Secondly, the
According to the Regional Priority having regional importance for
outlined for the areas residing in the project’s specific region.
zip code 30033, the following According to the provided
sections are available for USGBC website,
additional credits as explained., St.
This adds an additional 4 points Joseph’s is applicable for the
possible towards LEED following 4 additional credits.
certification. o Rainwater management
o Cooling tower water use
• The LEED v4 Regional Priority
states that the Regional Priority o Outdoor water use
are credits that have been
identified by the USGBC as o Indoor water use