P. 21
• Quality Views- It is through the stay. Then, the design team will
use of St. Joseph’s campus follow up and measure sound
gardens as well as the Atlanta isolation and speech privacy
skyline in the background, that for the necessary adjacencies
75% of all occupied floor areas to confirm that the required
experience a direct line of sight standards are met. In addition,
to the outside. Whether in acoustical materials will be
waiting or patient rooms, guest specified throughout the
and staff can enjoy access to interior to assist with noise
views to the outside level control. This will be
throughout the day. achieved first by acoustical
• Acoustic Performance- The ceiling tiles, note Figure 4, as
Women’s Center noise level well as wall profile panels lined
will be given considerable with felt to assist in sound
attention and care. The design absorption. Site exterior noises
team will construct a facility to will also be considered during
meet the 2010 FGI Guidelines construction in order to
as well as the Sound and minimize the effects coming
Vibration Design Guidelines for from the outside. The building
Health Care Facilities. Areas envelope will be designed
where patient acoustical based on the 2010 FGI
privacy will be given care in Guidelines, and demonstrate
order to maintain the patient’s how the exterior meets these
privacy as well as provide some requirements.
acoustical comfort during their
Figure 4: USG Millennia®/USG Millennia® High-NRC Acoustical Ceiling Panels (left); 3 Form
profile panels installed using felt material (right). Photos provided by USG and 3 Form’s websites.