P. 16


                   In the Materials and Resources                        glass, paper, and electronics.
                   category, the team is seeking a                       The materials will be kept
                   possible 7 points. Please observe                     separate on the building site,
                   in the description provided below                     and be taken to Georgia

                   how St. Joseph’s Women’s Center                       Recycling Solutions LLC for
                   will meet these requirements.                         processing when needed. A
                                                                         final report will be drafted
                   •  Storage and Collection of                          outlining all major waste

                       Recyclables- Dedicated
                       recycling bins will be located                    streams that were created
                       throughout the interior and                       during the renovation.

                       exterior of St. Joseph’s. They                 •  PBT Source Reduction-
                       will be labeled clearly and                       Mercury- Product waste
                       accessible for hospital staff                     containing mercury from St.
                       and guest alike. All waste will                   Joseph’s shall include all lamps

                       be stored in an enclosed room                     such as linear fluorescents,
                       on the bottom floor that has                      and integrally ballasted and

                       direct access to the exterior                     nonintegrally ballasted
                       for proper removal away from                      compact fluorescents, and
                       any main public entrance.                         HIDs. Mercury waste is
                       Please observe in Figure 2, the                   regulated under the Resource

                       type receptacle that will be                      Conservation Recovery Act,
                       used, as well as the designated                   which requires anyone
                       areas for recycling in Figure 3.                  handling the disposal of this

                   •  Construction and Demolition                        waste material to be trained,
                                                                         and to have special equipment
                       Waste Management- A
                       construction and demolition                       on hand in case of accidental
                                                                         spills. (Cit. 3 “Eliminating
                       waste management plan will
                       be developed and carried out                      Mercury” 2002) Because St.
                                                                         Joseph’s is considered a major
                       during St. Joseph’s renovation.

                       Waste diversion will be                           renovation, a plan will be
                                                                         established to phase out these
                       established for drywall, steel,
                                                                         products and be replaced by

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