P. 14
also commit to sharing the effectiveness, and seasonal
specific data results with testing. In addition, a review of
USGBC for a period of five the hospital 10 months after
years, starting with the initial completion will be conducted
occupancy. and an ongoing commission
• Fundamental Refrigerant plan will be developed and
Management- No implemented. Note that all
chlorofluorocarbon based enhanced commissioning tasks
refrigerants will be used on any will be included in the OPR and
equipment. All equipment BOD. To seek further LEED
installed in terms of HVAC and credits and establish a more
refrigeration will be new and accurate system, monitor
CFC free. based procedures will be
• Enhanced Commissioning- The developed and will identify the
Commissioning Authority(CxA) points to be measured and
provided by the contractor will evaluated to assess the
complete the following performance of the hospital’s
commissioning process energy and water consuming
activities for the hospital’s systems. The CxA will address
operating systems and their the following issues established
assemblies based on the by LEED v4: roles and
ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 and responsibilities, measurement
ASHRAE Guideline 1.1-2007 for requirements, points to be
all HVAC and Refrigerant tracked with frequency and
systems. The CxA is expected duration for trend monitoring,
complete the steps outlined by the limits of tracked points and
LEED in terms of verification of metered values, elements used
including a systems manual to evaluate performance and
requirement in the CDs, the scope of what that
including operator and includes, an action plan for
occupant training detecting and correcting
requirements in the CDs, operational errors, training,
systems manual updates and planning for repairs necessary
deliveries, occupant and to maintain performance, and
operator training delivery and finally a frequency of analyses