P. 10

use of plants such as                             and Security Act (Cit. 1 “Soil
                       Northwind Switch Grass,                           Erosion”) was consulted.

                       Lavender, Evergreens, and                     •  Heat Island Reduction- 75% of
                       several types of shrubbery. In                    parking spaces will be placed
                       addition, small, accessible                       under cover in a parking deck
                       paths will be placed through                      where solar thermal collectors

                       the garden to make the green                      will be installed on top. The
                       space easy to access from                         power used from these solar
                       different parts of the campus,                    panels will be harvested to

                       and encourage activities such                     power electricity for the lights
                       as walking and running.                           and ventilation inside the
                   •  Rainwater Management-                              parking deck.

                       Efforts will be made to                       •  Direct Exterior Access- As
                       replicate the natural site                        stated previously, a garden will
                       hydrology processes, and                          be established on the back side

                       systems have been                                 of the hospital allowing direct
                       implemented to manage on                          access for patients and doctors
                       site from the hospital for the                    to use and enjoy. The garden
                       98  percentile of local rainfall                  will take up 30% of the land
                       by ways of a low-impact                           area, and will be accessible
                       development and green                             from other portions of the
                       infrastructure, also known as                     campus as well. By developing

                       the campus garden. As a                           a larger garden, the team plans
                       means of determining this 98                      to provide 5 square feet of land
                       percentile, the EPA’s Technical                   per patient for 75% of all in and

                       Guidance on Implementing the                      outpatients. These gardens will
                       Stormwater Runoff                                 be designated as non-smoking
                       Requirements for Federal                          areas for the consideration and

                       Projects based on Section 438                     safety of the patients and their
                       of the Energy Independence                        guests.

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