P. 7
LOCATION AND TRANSPORTATION visitors up from two of the
main entrances and takes them
In this section, JL Interiors will explain
in the categories listed below how St. to and from the station. There
Joseph’s Women’s Center intends on will also be a bus stop located a
seeking LEED credits for Location and quarter of a mile from the main
Transportation for a possible 6 points entrance that will operate on
in this area. The firm will describe in weekdays as well as weekends.
detail how these credits will apply in This stop will serve buses
the specific areas associated with this during routine trips, averaging
project. about 144 trips on weekdays,
and 108 trips on weekends.
• High Priority Site- This meets • Bicycle facilities- All main
the LEED requirement because entrances will have operatable
it utilizes the concept of bicycle racks for temporary
Brownfielding. The new public storage. These
Women’s Center is a temporary bicycle racks will be
renovation of an old industrial located no further than 25 ft.
carpet factory located from at least 4 of the main
downtown. The site has been entrances. Long term bike
abandon for 25 years and was storage will be available to 5%
left to deterioration and decay of the hospital staff, and
when the landlord located in a nearby parking
disappeared. St. Joseph’s was zone about 50 ft from the
looking to expand their campus building. Last, shower and
with a new addition, and opted locker room facilities will be
to buy the vacant building , available on several floors for
located 1.25 miles away from those needing to shower and
the original campus, and change once they have arrived
redevelop it as their new at the hospital. There will be
women’s center. enough designated showers to
• Access to quality transit- The accommodate the first 100
hospital is conveniently located people that arrive to the
about half a mile from a Marta hospital.
train station. In addition, there • Green Vehicles- A 20%
is a small shuttle that picks discounted parking fee will be