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               Overview                                           Location and Transportation

               St. Joseph’s Hospital has expressed interest       St. Joseph’s is currently seeking 7 points in
               for their new Women’s Center to apply for          this category. The points will come from the
               LEED certification. The design firm, JL            following: High Priority Site, Access to
               interiors, has researched this possibility and     Quality Transit, Bicycle facilities, and Green
               believes that there is an opportunity to           Vehicles. It is St. Joseph’s hope to reduce
               pursue LEED Credits in the following               the carbon footprint from the use of fossil
               categories:                                        fuels.

                   •  Location and Transportation                 Sustainable Sites
                   •  Sustainable Sites
                   •  Water Efficiency                            The following LEED credits will be applied

                   •  Energy and Atmosphere                       for; Construction Activity Pollution
                                                                  Prevention (required), Environmental Site
                   •  Materials and Resources                     Assessment (required), Open Space,
                   •  Indoor Environmental Quality                Rainwater Management, Heat Island
                   •  Innovation                                  Reduction, Direct Exterior Access for an
                   •  Regional Priority                           opportunity in 5 points possible. It is the

               Integrated Process                                 intent of St. Joseph’s to not only care about
                                                                  the building, but the surrounding
                It will be expected that beginning from the       environment that help make up the site.
               first phase in the design process on this
               project that cross-discipline design and           Water Efficiency
               decision making will be implemented. An            For a possible 8 points, the hospital will be
               Owner Project Requirements (OPR) will be           seeking points in the following areas:
               drafted with the St. Joseph’s board of             Outdoor Water Use Reduction (Required),
               Trustees to create a cohesive health mission       Indoor Water Use Reduction (Required),
               statement that will outline the hospital’s         Building-Level Water Metering (required),
               core values. Goals as well as strategies will      Outdoor Water Use Reduction, Indoor
               be assessed that will highlight the health,        Water Use Reduction, Cooling Tower Water
               safety, and well being of its occupants, staff,    Use. It is through these efforts that water
               and surrounding community. Next a                  consumption be reduced and used more
               meeting will be conducted with the senior          efficiently as a whole.
               board members and two people for the
               design team, and two people from the               Energy and Atmosphere
               construction team where a LEED action plan
               will be discussed and created. The Women’s         For this category, St. Joseph’s will be
               Center is currently seeking to pursue a            applying for 26 points possible from the
               Silver LEED Certification.                         following: Fundamental Commissioning and
                                                                  Verification (required), Minimum Energy

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