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PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                promote a calming but interesting
                                                                  contrast. Patient room walls curve in
               Saint Joseph’s Hospital has been
               leading in the healthcare industry for             to give the mother a sense of

               the last 75 years. They serve a variety            welcoming embrace as she enters the
               of patient’s needs including                       space, transcending her state of mind
               Oncology, Surgical, as well as                     from clinical to comfortable.

               Women’s services, including labor                  Saint Joseph’s campus is located at
               and delivery. Their devoted team of                2144 Clifton Avenue, Decatur,
               doctors, nurses, and staff are highly              Georgia 30030. The Women’s
               focused in the subject of patient                  Maternity wing is located on the 4
               quality care, ensuring the highest                 floor, and consists of 27,775 square
               level of patient satisfaction possible             feet of space. The hospital’s building

               during their stay at St. Joseph’s.                 occupancy type is considered an I2,
                                                                  for Institutional Occupancy. The
               Saint Joseph’s Hospital’s new
               maternity center will be designed                  occupancy load is 346 people, and

               based on the natural process of giving             around 65 patients and guest, and 50
               birth. It starts with patient focused              people will account for doctors,
               design that supports and empowers                  nurses, and maintenance etc… the
               the mother and her birth partner as                hospital will have staffed on the floor

               they embark on their journey                       at one time. Below is a table that
               together. By using nature as a theme               includes the required codes that St.
               of inspiration, organic shapes and                 Joseph’s will comply with throughout

               patterns are incorporated throughout               construction and operation.
               with simple geometric touches that

               Table 1: This table presents the codes that are applicable for St. Joseph’s Hospital’s new Women’s Center.

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