P. 11

WATER EFFICIENCY                                          equivalent occupancy will be
                                                                         calculated to help assess what
               For this section, JL Interiors is seeking
               a possible ten points. Each possible                      is necessary for hospital water

               area for points is described in detail                    usage. All appliances specified
               below.                                                    will be Energy Star rated. Table
                                                                         2 lists the water consumption
                   •  Outdoor Water Use Reduction-                       standards that will be

                       With the exception of a few                       observed when choosing these
                       small flower beds located at                      fixtures and appliances.
                       the entrance of the gardens                    •  Building Level Water Metering-

                       from the hospital, all plants                     An automated water meter
                       that are installed shall either                   will be installed to measure
                       be native or drought friendly,                    the total portable water use

                       so that an irrigation system is                   for the hospital and
                       not required on the majority of                   surrounding garden. Data will
                       the site. Examples of some of                     be compiled into monthly and

                       these plants are depicted in                      annual summaries which will
                       Figure 1. During dry periods,                     be shared with USGBC for a
                       rainwater collected from water                    five year period once typical
                       runoff management systems                         occupancy begins.

                       and water harvesting will be                   •  Cooling Tower Water Use- A
                       utilized only where and when                      one-time portable water
                       needed.                                           analysis will be conducted to

                   •  Indoor Water Use Reduction-                        help optimize cooling tower
                       Indoor water use reduction                        cycles. A goal of a minimum of
                       will be established through the                   10 cycles by increasing the

                       use of low-flow toilets,                          level of treatment in
                       waterless urinals, and low-flow                   condenser or make-up water is
                       shower heads and faucets for                      expected in order to meet the

                       a 45% water use reduction. To                     requirements to earn credit.
                       help determine this
                       percentage, the full time

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