P. 13
In the category of Energy and of equipment runtime
Atmosphere, the team is seeking a schedules, set temperature
total of 26 points. Please review controls for all HVAC systems,
the details explaining how listed and establishing light levels
below. throughout the hospital will be
implemented as part of the
• Fundamental Commissioning process. Installation and
and Verification- An
experienced CxA that is Performance of intended
systems will be verified. Finally,
provided by the construction
contractor will be a review of the project design
commissioned to evaluate and is required.
review the hospital’s main • Minimum Energy Performance-
operating systems, such as There will be a demonstration
daylight control, HVAC, hot of improvement by means of
water, and solar energy that conducting a whole building
the construction team will be energy simulation, which
installing throughout the would encompass all energy
course of this project. The CxA consumption and costs of St.
will report his or her Joseph’s Hospital, with a goal
documented findings back to of reaching 3% improvement in
the owner for consideration. energy usage. In order to
The owner will be in charge of conduct this, a baseline
documenting and updating the building performance will be
Owner Project Requirements calculated according to
(OPR). Meanwhile, the design ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
team will develop and update 90.1-2010, Appendix G, by
the Basis of Design. In addition, using a simulation model.
developing and recording • Building Level Energy
commissioning specifications, a Metering- Building level energy
Complete Summary meters will be installed to
Commissioning Report, as well provide data that documents
as an Operations and the total building energy
Maintenance Plan, consisting consumption. St. Joseph’s will