P. 20
In this category, JL Interiors is been especially designated for
applying for 5 points in the this activity. Designated
appropriate areas. The details on smoking areas will sit 25 feet
how this plan will be executed are from all entries, outdoor air
provided below. intakes, and operable
windows. A smoking area will
• Minimum Indoor Air Quality be designated 25 feet from the
Performance- For this
requirement, the construction garden entrance in an area
concealed by natural elements
team will determine the
minimum outdoor air intake such as tall shrubbery. In
flow for mechanical ventilation addition, signs will be posted at
systems. The ventilation rates each entrance indicating that
will be used based on ASHRAE the area is a smoke free zone.
Standard 170-2008, Section 7 • Thermal Comfort- St. Joseph’s
as well as the requirements of HVAC systems as well as the
the 2010 FGI Guidelines for building envelope will be
Design and Construction of designed to meet the
Health Care Facilities. In requirements of ASHRAE
addition, a direct outdoor standard 55-2010, Thermal
airflow measurement device Comfort Conditions for Human
capable of measuring the Occupancy. Individual comfort
required minimum outdoor controls will be available to at
intake airflow from the least 50% of the building
ventilation unit. An alarm will occupants by the use of
be triggered to alert staff if the operable windows except
intake value varies by 15% or where the smoking area is
more from the designated located. In addition, group
setpoint. thermal comfort controls will
• Environmental Tobacco Smoke be provided for all shared
multioccupant spaces through
Control- Smoking will be
prohibited inside the building, the use of digital thermostats
as well as outside of the located behind the nurse’s
building except areas that have station on every floor.