Page 102 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 102

ClimBing KnOts:


                     Hunter’s	(rigger’s)	Bend

                     uSed fOR jOInIng twO
                     ROpeS In A tIgHt, StROng,
                     And SeCuRe-wHen-
                     LOAded KnOt
                     Based on the interweaving of two overhand
                     knots, the hunter’s bend is quickly and easily
                     learned.  It  tightens  securely  when  loaded,
                     but it can be worked loose and separated
                     when the load is off. This bend is well worth
                     knowing any time the joining of two ropes
                     is  needed  and  is  useful  in  activities  other
                     than climbing.

                        Hunter’s (Rigge XXXr’s) Bend: Step 1  Hunter’s (Rigger’s) Bend: Step 2

                       XXie an overhand knot at the      Thread the working end of the
                       working end of the first rope,    second rope through the loop
                       but do not tighten it.            of the overhand knot in the first
                                                         rope. Bring the end of the second
                                                         rope around and back through
                                                         the loop of the first overhand a
                                                         second time, forming an overhand
                                                         knot in the second rope, as shown
                                                         in the photograph. Tighten.


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