Page 104 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 104

Climbing Knots: Bends

                     does a fine job of tying two ends of the same rope or
                     cord together.
                        Since it works very well in lines of very small diameter,
                     such as fishing line, it is popular with anglers, so much
                     so that the knot bears their name. But fishermen called
                     this knot the water knot in the 1600s and 1700s, later
                     referring to it as the angler’s knot. It has also been called
                     the English knot, the Englishman’s knot, the waterman’s
                     knot, and the true lover’s knot.

                           Fisherman’s XX Knot: Step 3       Fisherman’s K
                                                                      XXnot: Step 4

                       XXXie an overhand knot in the
                       T                                 Tighten both overhand knots
                       working end of the second rope.   and draw them together slowly
                       The second overhand must be       by pulling on the standing parts
                       tied around the first rope, as    of both ropes.
                       shown in the photograph.


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