Page 109 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 109

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Figure	8	Bend

                   A MORe COMpLex KnOt uSed fOR
                   SeCuReLy jOInIng twO ROpeS Of
                   SIMILAR SIze And COnStRuCtIOn
                   The  figure  8  bend  is  created  by  weaving  together
                   two figure 8 knots. Climbers tend to prefer this bend
                   because of its security as well as the strength of the
                   interwoven working ends. If heavily loaded, this knot
                   may  prove  impossible  to  untie  if  the  ropes  are  of
                   approximately the same diameter. It does hold nearly
                   as  well  in  ropes  of  dissimilar  diameter.  Despite  its
                   security, climbers often leave the working ends long
                   enough to back up the knot with stoppers, adding

                           Figure 8 B XXend: Step 1          Figure 8 Bend: Step 2

                      XXXTie a figure 8 knot (see page 10)   XXX
                                                        Thread the working end of the
                      in the working end of one rope.   second rope into the figure 8
                                                        knot in the first rope, as shown
                                                        in the photograph.


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