Page 114 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 114

Climbing Knots: Loops

                     sling to raise or lower a person if, of course,
                     the  loops  are  made  large  enough.  When
                     used as a chair sling, both these knots share
                     the  common  characteristic  of  being  highly
                     uncomfortable. This knot was first described
                     in print in 1944 by Clifford Ashley. How long
                     it  was  in  use  prior  to  Ashley’s  description  is
                     not known.

                         Figure 8 Doub XXle Loop: Step 3   Figure 8 Double
                                                                      XX Loop: Step 4

                       Bring the doubled rope through    Bring the remaining single loop
                       the loop as if tying a figure 8   down in front of the knot, take
                       with draw loop (see page 12).     the doubled loops through
                       The doubled section of rope       the single loop, and move the
                       pulled through the loop will      single loop up to the top of the
                       become the double loop.           knot. Carefully tighten every-


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