Page 113 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 113

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Figure	8	Double	Loop

                   A vARIAtIOn Of tHe fIguRe 8 tHAt
                   CReAteS twIn LOOpS In tHe ROpe
                   The figure 8 double loop (sometimes called “bunny ears”)
                   creates twin loops that allow a climber to secure one rope
                   to two anchors. Once mastered, this knot ties quickly and
                   forms  two  secure  fixed  loops  that  will  not  alter  in  size
                   when weight is applied to either or both loops. If loops
                   of differing sizes are needed, however, the loops can be
                   adjusted to different sizes during the tying—and they too
                   will remain secure.
                       As with the double bowline (see page 56), the figure
                   8 double loop could be used in an emergency as a chair

                        Figure 8 Doub XXle Loop: Step 1   Figure 8 Double
                                                                    XX Loop: Step 2

                      XXXForm a large bight in the rope   XXX
                                                        Reach through the loop and
                      and twist the bight into a loop   grasp the doubled rope, as
                      as if starting a simple figure 8   shown in the photograph.
                      (see page 10).


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