Page 115 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 115

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Figure	8	Triple	Loop

                   A vARIAtIOn Of tHe fIguRe 8
                   tHAt CReAteS tHRee LOOpS In
                   tHe ROpe
                   The figure 8 triple loop (sometimes called the triple
                   figure  8  loop)  creates  three  loops  that  allow  a
                   climber to secure one rope to three anchors. Once
                   mastered,  this  knot  ties  quickly  and  forms  three
                   secure fixed loops that will not alter in size once the
                   final knot is tightened. As with the triple bowline
                   (see page 58), the figure 8 triple loop could be used,
                   in an emergency, as a chair sling to raise or lower

                        Figure 8 Tripl XXe Loop: Step 1   Figure 8 Triple
                                                                    XXLoop: Step 2

                      XXXForm a large bight in the rope   XXX
                                                        Reach through the loop and
                      and twist the bight into a loop   grasp the doubled rope. Bring
                      as if starting a simple figure 8   the doubled rope through the
                      (see page 10).                    loop as if tying a figure 8 with
                                                        draw loop (see page 12). You
                                                        are now at a point where you
                                                        could tie a figure 8 double loop
                                                        (see page 98).


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