Page 98 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 98

Climbing Knots: Hitches

                     Garda	Knot

                     A RAtCHetIng KnOt tHAt
                     eMpLOyS twO CARABIneRS And
                     IS uSefuL In HAuLIng
                     The  Garda  knot  ratchets,  allowing  the  rope  to  pass
                     through a pair of carabiners in one direction only. The two
                     carabiners should be the same size and shape, and they
                     should not be locking carabiners, since the locks prevent
                     them from pinching the rope firmly enough for the knot
                     to work. This knot might also be useful in camping. Note:
                     If the rope rides up onto the gates when the knot is in use,
                     the Garda may come unclipped. This can be prevented by
                     maintaining tension on the rope.

                             Garda Knot: Step 1                 Garda Knot: Step 2

                       Clip two carabiners into a sling,   Pass the loop through the
                       side by side, with the gates fac-  first carabiner only. Slide the
                       ing in the same direction. Pass   loop onto the spines of the car-
                       the rope through both carabin-    abiners, the sides opposite
                       ers and form a loop, as shown     to the gates, before loading
                       in the photograph.                the system.


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