Page 93 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 93

ClimBing KnOts:


                   Bachmann	Hitch

                   A fRICtIOn KnOt fOR
                   ASCendIng A ROpe wItH
                   A CARABIneR
                   The Bachmann hitch attaches a carabiner to a rope
                   with strong cord or webbing so that the carabiner
                   can be used as a handle. Without a load, the hitch
                   slides  freely  up  the  rope.  Once  weight  is  applied,
                   the hitch grips the rope, preventing the load from
                   slipping  back  down  the  rope.  The  greater  the
                   difference between the diameter of the cord of the
                   hitch and the diameter of the main rope, the greater
                   the  grip  of  the  hitch.  This  knot  could  be  used  to

                          Bachmann  XXXXHitch: Step 1       Bachmann  XX XXHitch: Step 2

                      XXXXXXAttach a carabiner to a loop   XXX
                                                        Bring the end of the loop
                      and place the loop around the     around the rope and through
                      rope, as shown in the photo-      the carabiner.
                      graph. (You can tie a loop with
                      the double fisherman’s knot on
                      page 90.)


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