Page 142 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 142


                     A                                 cords, viii, xi, xiii, 1, 3
                     alpine butterfly, 103–5           cotton, 1
                     anchor (fisherman’s) bend, 62–63  cow hitch (pedigree), 28–29
                     animal fiber, 1                   cow hitch (simple), 27
                     Asher’s bottle sling, 118–19
                     Ashley’s stopper knot, 43         D
                                                       double bowline, 56–57
                     B                                 double constrictor knot, 74–75
                     Bachmann hitch, 78–79             double fisherman’s knot, 90–91
                     back splice, 114–15               double overhand knot, 42
                     backup knots, xi, 2               double sheet bend, 15
                     bends, boat, 44–48                draw hitch, 66–67
                     bends, camping, 13–15
                     bends, climbing, 87–94            E
                     bowline, 52–53                    English knot, 89
                     bowline on a bight, 54–55         Englishman’s knot, 89
                     braided ropes, 2                  eye splice, 113
                     breaking strength, 3, 86
                     bull hitch, 30–31                 F
                     bungees, xiii                     figure 8 bend, 94–95
                     buntline hitch, 64–65             figure 8 double loop, 98–99
                                                       figure 8 follow-through, 96–97
                     C                                 figure 8 knot, 10–11
                     camel hitch, 68                   figure 8 knot with draw loop, 12
                     camping knots, 6–39               figure 8 loop, 16–17
                     carrick bend, 44–45               figure 8 triple loop, 100–101
                     climbing knots, 78–109            fisherman’s bend, 62–63
                     clove hitch, 24                   fisherman’s knot, 88–89
                     clove hitch on a ring, 25         flax, 1
                     clove hitch on a stake, 26
                     coconut shell fibers, 1           G
                     common whipping, 116–17           Garda knot, 83
                     constrictor knot, 73              girth hitch, 81
                     cordage, viii, ix, x, xiii, 1–4   grass, 1


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