Page 138 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 138

Miscellaneous Knots

                        Decoratively, the monkey’s fist is popular as a large
                     and attractive end to any cord, especially if the cord will
                     be used as a pull-string. It is most often tied as a two-ply
                     or three-ply knot. (A three-ply knot is illustrated here.) It
                     can be tied larger than a three-ply. In addition to being
                     tied around a spherical object (a marble or golf ball would
                     work fine for small jobs), it can be tied around your hand
                     as a starting point; this is known as the sailor’s method
                     and is shown here.

                            Monkey’s  XXFist: Step 3           Monkey’s Fist: Step 4

                       Slip the upper half of the wraps
                       XXX                               With the bundle entirely off
                       off your fingers and continue to   your fingers, make a third set
                       wrap an equal number of wraps     of wraps, the same in number,
                       around the first set of wraps,    around and through where the
                       as shown in the photograph. A     two bundles of cord meet. It will
                       spherical object may be inserted   take some time to tighten and
                       at this point.                    form the ball into its final spheri-
                                                         cal shape. Be sure to tuck the
                                                         end inside the knot to hide it.


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