Page 135 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 135

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Knife	Lanyard	Knot

                   tHIS KnOt CReAteS A fIxed LOOp
                   fROM wHICH A KnIfe OR OtHeR
                   OBjeCt CAn Be Hung
                   Considering its simplicity, this is certainly one of the most
                   attractive lanyard knots—and for that reason, one of the
                   most  often  used.  This  knot  was  originally  intended  to
                   create a fixed loop on a neck lanyard from which a seaman
                   would suspend his knife. It can, of course, suspend many
                   things and is known by other names, including the bosun’s
                   or boatswain’s whistle knot, the pipe lanyard knot, and
                   the two-strand diamond knot.

                         Knife Lanyar XXd Knot: Step 1     Knife Lanyard
                                                                    XXKnot: Step 2

                      XXXDrape the cord over your left   XXXg the end indicated in the
                      hand as shown in the photo-       photograph (the end hanging
                      graph. Make a loop in the end     down to the left side in the
                      of the cord (as shown) and hold   step 1 photo) up through the
                      the loop between your thumb       loop in your palm as shown in
                      and index finger (as shown). Im-  the photograph.
                      portant: The loop behind your
                      hand will be the final loop.


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