Page 23 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 23

The BOEM published its GOM Final Programmatic Environmental Impact
                                                 Statement (PEIS) on 4 August 2017.  The Agency's preferred alternative,
                                                 Alternative C, ignores the best available science and disregards fifty years of
                                                 successful  seismic  survey  exploration  alongside  vibrant  thriving  marine
                                                 ecosystems in the GOM.

                                                 The final PEIS remains overly precautionary, containing seriously flawed
                                                 marine mammal effects analysis for seismic activities.  However, many of the
                                                 Draft PEIS measures and controls which were of concern to our members
                                                 were kept out of the preferred alternative, including shutdowns for dolphins,
                                                 broader  closure areas,  buffer  zones  between  concurrent  surveys,  lowest
           BOEM GULF OF MEXICO                   practicable source standard, limits on "duplicative" surveys, and across-the-

            DRAFT AND FINAL PEIS                 board reductions to activity.
                                                 Under Alternative C, G&G activities would continue to be authorized and
                                                 would include those mitigation measures, monitoring, reporting, survey
                                                 protocols, and guidance that were in place prior to the 2013 Settlement
                                                 Agreement.  It would also require additional mitigation and temporal measures
                                                 for seismic and HRG surveys. The most concerning additional mitigation
                                                 measure is coastal closures throughout the Gulf, an issue which the IAGC is
                                                 advocating for removal in the Record of Decision.

                                                 The Associations' comments stated the industry cannot support mitigation
                                                 measures with no basis in fact or science, which are intended to address
                                                 presumed adverse effects that will not occur.  The comments also clarified the
                                                 relevance of the settlement agreement and subsequent stipulations that were
                                                 entered into by the parties in NRDC et al. v. Jewell et al., No. 2:10-cv-01882
                                                 (E.D. La.) (NRDC v. Jewell).

                                                 The IAGC is working on all fronts to ensure the Record of Decision and
                                                 ultimate regulatory framework implemented in the GOM protects our
                                                 members' continued freedom to operate.

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